
Páginas: 2 (434 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
Arrange these words to make sentences or questions.
1. Go never I almost bicycling
I never almost go bicycling.
2. Hardly they tennis play ever
They hardlyever play tennis.
3. Go do often jogging how you
How often do you go jogging?
4. Often mornings do on we yoga Sunday
We do yoga often mornings on Sunday
5. Ever Charlie do does aerobicsDoes Charlie ever do aerobics?
6. Do on you what usually Saturdays do
What do you do usually on Saturdays?
Use the questions to complete the conversations. How often do you..? Do you ever..?What do you usually…?
Do you ever exercise?
Yes, I often exercise on weekends.
What do you usually do on weekends?
Well, I usually do karate on Saturdays and yoga on Sundays.
Do you go to the gymafter work?
No, I never go to the gym after work.
How often do you exercise?
I don’t exercise very often at all.
How often do you play sports?
Yes, I sometimes play sports on weekends, usuallybaseball.
What do you do usually on your free time?
I usually play tennis in my free time.

Complete this conversation.
Write the correct prepositions in the correct places.
Susan: What time doyou o jogging (in) the morning?
Jerry: I always go jogging (at) 7:00.
How about you, Susan?
Susan: I usually go jogging (around) noon.
I jog about (until) an hour.
Jerry: And do you also playsports (until) your free time?
Susan: No, I usually go out (with) my classmates.
What about you?
Jerry: I go to the gym (on) Mondays and Wednesdays.
And sometimes I go bicycling on weekends.
Susan:Wow! You really like to stay in shape.

Choose the correct responses.
How often do you go swimming, Linda?
Once a week
How long do you spend in the pool?
About 45 minutes.
And how well do youswim?
I’m not very well.
How good are you at other sports?
Not very good, actually.

Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.
I don’t watch TV very...
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