
Páginas: 5 (1072 palabras) Publicado: 6 de diciembre de 2012
Verb To Be Present – Ser o estar

Use : The structures with the verb "to be" used to communicate various aspects can be very useful as talking about a person and describe the characteristics of someone or something.

Uso : Las estructuras con el verbo "to be" sirven para poder comunicar varias aspectos muy útiles como pueden ser hablar sobre una persona y describir las característicasde alguien o algo.

Structure :

Positive : sujeto + verb be + complement

Negative : sujeto + ver be not + complement

Interrogative : Question words + verb be + sujeto + complement

I : Am

She / He / It : Is

You / we /they : are

Examples :

← I am hungry
← They are in the car
← I am not a baby
← You aren`t happy
← Are you played that game?

Ejercicios :

It ___ cold today
We ___ in Paris
They ___ very lazy
How old ___ you?
Where ___ you?

Verb to be past

Use : In times past, was or were used.This depends on the subject to which we are referring.
Uso : En tiempo pasado, utilizamos WAS o WERE. Esto depende del sujeto a quien nos estamos refiriendo.


Possitive : sujeto + verb be past + complement

Negative : sujeto + ver be past not + complement

Interrogativo: Question words + was/were + sujeto +complement

I / She / He / It : Was

You / we / they : Were

Examples :


Present simple

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It canalso be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

Utilice el Presente Simple para expresar la idea de que una acción se repite o habitual. La acción puede ser un hábito, un pasatiempo, un evento diario, un evento programado o algo que sucede a menudo. También puede ser algo que una persona a menudo se olvida o por lo general no lo hacen.

Structure :

Affirmative: pronoun + verb present + complement

Negative : pronoun + don`t / doesn`t + verb present + complement

Interrogative : do / does + pronoun + verb present + complement + ?

- For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.
- For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to theauxiliary.
- For the verb to be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives.

Examples :

← He does not drive a bus
← Do you play football?
← We do not work at night.
← I live in New York.
← The Moon goes round the Earth.


Past simple

Used to describe an action that occurred at a particular timein the past. The time in which the action took place specifically designated in the sentence by an adverb of time past, an adverbial phrase or sentence passed temporary.

Se usa para describir una acción que ocurrió en un momento determinado del pasado. El tiempo en que tuvo lugar la acción se indica expresamente en la frase por medio de un adverbio de tiempo pasado, una locución adverbial ouna oración temporal de pasado.

Structure :

Afirmative : pronoun + verb past +complement

Negative : pronoun + didn`t + verb present + complement

Interrogative : question word + did + pronoum + complement + ?

Examples :

← They jumped into the water.
← My father didn’t drive me to school this morning...
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