
Páginas: 5 (1202 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2013
Materials for the experiment homemade water filter:

Clear plastic container
fine sand
Procedure of experiment home filter for water:

1. - Take a clear plastic container (soda bottle cut in bottom)

2. - Fill the inside with layers of cotton, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel, as you can see in the picture. Place the "invention" in the appropriate position andplaced a container under the mouth of the bottle.


Take a bowl of water. Check in water, for example, some soil, chalk powder, a teaspoon of cement or plaster, sunflower seed shells, sand, fibers, plant debris, etc.

Remove and ... what do you think the mix? These represent the wastewater. Continued .....

Over a bowl, place the strainer and let them mix through it. You'llget the first separation of pollutants, the most voluminous remain in the strainer.

Take the container and its contents missing, little by little, over the filter you have built. Observe how the fragments that made it through the sieve, are deposited in different layers forming the filter. The resulting water will lower the container.

Let stand for one day. The next day see that in the bottomof the container has deposited a thin layer of slime, while water is less turbid than the previous day.

A Home Water Filter
The water treatment plants clean the water by passing it through the following processes: (1) aeration, (2) coagulation, (3) sedimentation, (4) filtering, and (5) disinfection. We show the first four processes. As disinfectants are dangerous to handle and hard toget, do not include it. Bear in mind that the water will not get completely purified finally: if you drink, can cause problems or diseases. Can you see it clean, but microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye.





a) The aeration air is the addition of water. This adds oxygen to the water and allows the gases trapped in it can escape.

1. If you have standing wateror dirty, it's time to "prepare": mix the three liters of water with dirt and dust.

2. Pour about a half liter of contaminated water on your whole bottle, keeping the rest for comparison with the water you get at the end of the process.

3. Cover the bottle where you put the water and shake vigorously for thirty seconds.

4. To empty the water out of the bottle top. Then it traspásala thebottomless bottle, and again for 10 times. Finally, leave it in the bottle without top.


b) Coagulation is the process through which dirt and other suspended solid particles are "glued" chemically in groups, and thus water can be removed easily.

1. Add two tablespoons of aluminum sulfate aerated water.

2. Stir the mixture gently with a spoon, for 5 minutes.

c) Sedimentation is theprocess that occurs when gravity pulls particles clustered towards the bottom of the vessel where the water is treated.

1. Let the water stays motionless in the bottle, about 20 minutes.

2. If you did not get aluminum sulfate, can wait for the dirty water decant naturally: let stand for overnight, without moving the bottle.

Meanwhile, build a filter with the bottle that is bottomless.1. Cover the mouth of the bottle with the coffee filter and tie with elastic.

2. Turn the bottle and put a layer of stones on it.

3. On the stones put gravel and sand with fine finishes.

4. Clean your filter by gently five or more liters of clean tap water through it. Try not to move the top layer of fine sand as you pour the water.

d) filtration through a filter sand and smallstones removes much of the impurities still remain in the water after coagulation and sedimentation occurred.

1. After a large quantity of sediment settles on the bottom of the reservoir bottle with water, slowly and carefully empty the upper two thirds of the water reservoir through the filter.

2. Collect the filtered water in the bottle of a half liter.

3. Compare the treated water and...
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