Tecnologia segunda guerramundial

Páginas: 6 (1400 palabras) Publicado: 18 de mayo de 2010
Avances Tecnológicos 2nda Guerra Mundial

1946 en Harper’s Magazine, las segunda revista más vieja de publicación mensual en USA.
El autor menciona varios de los secretos más trascendentes descubiertos inmediatamente después de la 2a guerra mundial. Todo esto fue gracias a que los aliados llevaron a cabo operaciones para obtener toda la propiedad intelectual, inventos, patentes, etc. que losalemanes generaron durante la guerra.
Según el artículo miles de secretos/inventos fueron recolectados por dichas operaciones.
Los inventos van desde el Cassette, plasma sanguínea artificial, procesos avanzados de fabricación y rayos infrarrojos hasta cohetes intercontinentales.
El autor describe algunos de los inventos que le fueron presentados al momento de hacer el artículo. Por ejemplo esteque narra el primer encuentro de los gringos con la eficiencia y procesos de manufactura avanzados…
“You see this”. . . the head of Communications Unit, TIIB, said to me. It was metal, and looked like a complicated doll’s house with the roof off. It is the chassis, or frame, for a radio. To make the same thing, Americans would machine cut, hollow, shape, fit-a dozen different processes. This isdone on a press in one operation. It is called the cold extrusion_ process. We do it some with soft, splattery metals. But by this process the Germans do it with cold steel! Thousands of parts now made as castings or drop forgings or from malleable iron can now be made this way.
Cuando le mostraron la unidad de rayos infrarrojos:
He showed me then what had been two of the most closely-guardedtechnical secrets of the war: the infra-red device which the Germans invented for seeing at night, and the remarkable diminutive generator which operated it. German cars could drive at any speed in a total black-out, seeing objects clear as day two hundred meters ahead. Tanks with this device could spot targets two miles away. As a sniperscope it enabled German riflemen to pick off a man in totalblackness.
There was a sighting tube, and a selenium screen out front. The screen caught the incoming infra-red light, which drove electrons from the selenium along the tube to another screen which was electrically charged and fluorescent. A visible image appeared on this screen. Its clearness and its accuracy for aiming purposes were phenomenal. Inside the tube, distortion of the stream ofelectrons by the earth’s magnetism was even allowed for!
Avances en la industria química manufacturera:
But of all the industrial secrets, perhaps the biggest windfall came from the laboratories and plants of the great German cartel, I. G. Farbenindustrie. Never before, it is claimed, was there such a store-house of secret information. It covers liquid and solid fuels, metallurgy, synthetic rubber,textiles, chemicals, plastics, drugs, dyes. One American dye authority declares:
It includes the production know-how and the secret formulas for over fifty thousand dyes. Many of them are faster and better than ours. Many are colors we were never able to make. The American dye industry will be advanced at least ten years.
Tecnología en refrigeración/calefacción
Refrigeration and air-conditioning onGerman U-boats had become so efficient that the submarines could travel from Germany to the Pacific , operate there for two months, and then return to Germany without having to take on fresh water for the crew.
Y tenían planeado fabricar misiles intercontinentales:
A long range rocket-motored bomber which, the war documents indicate, was never completed merely because of the wars quick ending,would have been capable of flight from Germany to New York in forty minutes. Pilot-guided from a pressurized cabin, it would have flown at an altitude of 154 miles. Launching was to be by catapult at 500 miles an hour, and the ship would rise to its maximum altitude in as short a time as four minutes. There, fuel exhausted, it would glide through the outer atmosphere, bearing down on its target....
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