Tema 4 Maestro Especialidad Ingles

Páginas: 7 (1516 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2012
Topic 4
Curricular concretion in the school’s educational Project’s framework. Teachers’ programming as an attempt to meet students’ diverse needs: pedagogical principles to take into account. Strategies for its elaboration in a cycle, course and class.Teaching coordination.
0. Introduction
1. Curricular concretion in the school’s educational Project’s framework.
2.Teachers’ programming as an attempt to meet students’ diverse needs: pedagogical principles to take into account.
3. Strategies for its elaboration in a cycle, course and class.
4. Teaching coordination.
5. Conclusion.
0. Introduction
According to the Organic Law 2/2006 from 3rd May, which is common to all mainstream schools in Spain, and to the official curriculum established bythe act 40/2007 from 3rd May in Castilla y León, the main objective in the area of foreign languages in primary education is to make students communicatively competent;
1. Curricular concretion in the school’s educational Project’s framework. The first level of curricular concretion is the National Educational Law that is the LOE or Organic Law 2/2006 from 3rd May. Then each community has itsown Royal Decree, in Castilla y León nowadays we have the act 40/2007 from 3rd May. Then we have the Educational Project of the school, which includes values, objectives, and action priorities. In addition, they will incorporate the specifications of the curriculum established by the Education Administrations, which the Teachers Council will set and approve, as well as the cross-curricular treatmentof education in values and other teaching plans. The School Educational Project is elaborated by the School Community while the School Curricular Project is made by the teacher force of every school. Schools have autonomy to decide how to achieve their ultimate goals. This autonomy is necessary because the educational process cannot be the same in all schools. The process will depend on thesocial and cultural environment, and on the learners’ particular features. Adjusting the Decrees to the educational environment leads to the Educational Project of the School. This project, which must take into account the characteristics of the social and cultural environment of the school, will include ways of meeting student diversity and tutorial procedures, as well as the school community plan. Itmust respect the principle of non-discrimination and educational inclusion as fundamental values, as well as the principles and objectives of the LOE and the Organic Law 8/1985 of July 3rd, Regulator of the Right to Education.
It is the responsibility of the Education Administrations to establish the general framework which allows public schools to draw up their education projects. These shouldbe made public in order to make them known to the whole education community. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Education Administrations to contribute to the development of the curriculum, encouraging the creation of open models of teacher programmes and teaching materials which meet the different needs of students and teachers.
The relations established in the School EducationalProject, whose nature corresponds to general principles and options, must be subsequently specified in the Curricular Project, where these principles are translated into didactic agreements that will respond to the what, when and how to teach and evaluate.
Therefore the educational project must include all the aspects and elements which make the school distinctive:
- An analysis of the context-where we are
- Identity principles- who we are
- Educational objectives- what are our aims?
- Curricular project of the school.
- Organisation and working regulations- how do we manage regulations?
-Annual school plan.
- Final memoir of the school year.
2. Teachers’ programming as an attempt to meet students’ diverse needs: pedagogical principles we must take into account....
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