Teoria De Keynes

Páginas: 3 (501 palabras) Publicado: 2 de agosto de 2011
Module 8
Carla Amelia Vargas Costa

Aggregate expenditure, according to Keynes’s theory, is the key to economic activity. That means for example: what families, companies and governmentplan to buy determines what they will eventually produce. In the first stage of analysis, a simplified model excludes the government, assumes that there is no foreign sector, and that the level ofreal income (not prices) is the main determinant of aggregate spending. Aggregate expenditures (AE) are the sum of households plan to buy (or consumption C) and that companies plan to buy in capital (orinvestment I): AE = C + I
This theory is most known with the termed Keynesian Economics (after John Maynard Keynes.) John Maynard Keynes broke decisively with the classical school of economicthought, which was the same product, launched a new theory that would produce what would later be known as the Keynesian revolution
The appearance of the General Theory is a frontal attack on theclassical postulates, producing a market debates between advocates of the classical doctrine and those who euphorically welcomed the new approach suggested by Keynes of the problems of unemployment andeconomic instability.
Macroeconomic equilibrium is the curves of aggregate demand and supply intersect at one point. The price corresponds to that point and production is consistent with theintentions of buyers and sellers. The production level of an economy and the price level are determined by the interaction of supply and demand curves added. The curves of aggregate supply and demand indicatethe total amount of goods and services to be offered and demand a different price levels.
Any other level of output or prices creates an imbalance that requires adjustments in the market. Itshould be noted that one of the main objectives of macroeconomic theory is whether the internal forces of the market or generate desired results
Potential GDP indicates the long-term productive...
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