Teorías De Organización

Páginas: 11 (2661 palabras) Publicado: 10 de julio de 2012

* Acker: organizations are gendered structures that reflect and reproduce patriarchy or the systematic privileging of masculinity
* Argues that organizations are actually gendered, and the assumption of gender neutral organizations prevents us from seeing how deeply gender is really entrenched within these organizations
* “Gendered OrganizationTheory”
* Processes of a Gendered Org.
* Social construction of divisions of labor
* Social construction of symbols and images that reinforce gender divisions
* Mundane communication interactions between men and women
* Ways individual actors take up identities that reinforce processes 1-3
* Gender becomes fundamental element of “organizationallogic”

* Blake & Mouton: Managerial Grid
1. Impoverished (1,1): Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is enough to sustain organization membership.
2. Country Club (1,9): Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo.
3. Authority-Obedience (9,1): Efficiency in operationsresults from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.
5. Organization Man (5,5): Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining satisfactory moral.
6. Team (9,9): Work is accomplished by committed people; interdependence through a “common state” in organization purpose leads torelationships of trust and respect.
* Pros: Helps people analyze their management style, easy to analyze (done by questionnaire), shows if a person lacks concern for people or production and what they need to work on.
* Cops: Limited, there is more to management than just concern for people and production

* French/Raven: social power
* Assumption that A has control over B when Ahas control over some outcome B wants
* Types of power
* Reward: Person A has reward power over person B when A can give some formal/informal reward in exchange for B’s compliance
* Coercive: Person A has power over B when B has done something wrong and knows his behaviors will lead to punishment by A
* Referent: when B is willing to do what A wants in orderto be like A
* Expert: B is willing to do what A says in because he respects A’s expert knowledge
* Legitimate : B complies with A’s wishes because A holds a high-power position

* Graen: servant leadership: LMX Theory
* Focuses its attention on the “vertical linkages” that leaders have with every follower
* These linkages are the dyadic relationships betweenthe leader and each follower
* Supervisors often divide their employees into two types of relationships
* Effective leaders strive for supportive communication
* In- Group Relationships
* Characterized by high trust, mutual influence, support, and formal/informal rewards
* Normally develop over a period of time, tend to be more trusting, and arecharacterized by a greater willingness by supervisors to delegate important tasks
* Associated with greater employee satisfaction, performance, agreement, and decision-making involvement
* Marked by influence by mutual persuasion and greater freedom of choice for subordinates
* Out- Group Relationships
* The leader uses traditional supervisoryapproach and more formal authority
* Follower helps the leader strictly based on his responsibilities as a follower
* Characterized by low trust, support, and rewards
* Also marked by the supervisor’s authority, a traditional chain of command, little freedom of choice for subordinates, and a disregard to their suggestions

* Greenleaf: servant leadership...
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