Tesis de comunicacion masiva

Páginas: 3 (586 palabras) Publicado: 1 de febrero de 2010
How does mass media more specifically advertisement interferes with alienation?

Nowadays people change their minds every time they receive any information. Mass media such as; television, radio,and internet are just the most popular ways to address people, these ones not always transmit the reality of what is happening, instead they tend to produce fake environments in which people developnecessity and attraction towards thing they don’t really need. Alienation has being a problem faced by not only children but also adults, and this is just because when we see any advertisement we end upbelieving it all, acting just the way mass media want us to do.

Advertisement is so creative and powerful it can change our minds in a minute, this method of merchandising that seduces people hasgain popularity due to its results. We can see advertisements everywhere as in pamphlets, brochures, magazines and newspapers. Each of these advertisement distributions help retailers to appeal tocertain customer, this is why sometimes promotion and advertisement staff do a lot of homework in demographics to find out which is the target they are going to convince of buying their product. As theseadvertisements reach large audiences, they are in certain way controlling peoples desires through the same ideology of consumption, driving everyone to purchase the same things that are hot andpopular, so that they can dress and have the fashionable look of the season.

A sense of belonging and status when carrying a Louis Vuitton, or Gucci handbag, just shows how people will go and follow anadvertisement just to fit into society. People desire these items so much that there is even a new enterprise that allows people to use borrowed handbag for affordable prices. People acts towards whatadvertisements dictate, and this is easy to see when sales increase after an advertisement of some item has being released. In the other hand lifestyles dictated by advertisements make people act...
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