The Banking Concept Of Education And The Society

Páginas: 3 (713 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2013
Essay #1
September 11,2012
The Banking Concept of Education and the Society
The essay is going to present the relation between “The Banking Concept of Education” and the Society. In the “TheBanking Concept of Education”, written by Paulo Freiere, criticizes the flaw of the education system. He uses the term baking education to refer to act of depositing information, done by teachers, thatturns students into containers or receptacles. The teachers become the oppressors and the students the oppressed. “The capability of banking education to minimize or annul the creative power and tostimulate their credulity serves the interest of the oppressors who care neither to have the world revealed nor to see it transform”-states Paulo Freiere. Society uses the banking education to make themen adapt to the world.

In the banking education the teacher’s task is to fill the students with contains of his narration. Those contentsare detached from reality, disconnected from the totality that engendered their significance. Producing a complete ignorance onto others, a quality of the ideology of oppression, that denies educationand knowledge as a process of inquiry. Freiere says: “In the banking concept of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider toknow nothing.” With this he refers to the teacher who considers the students absolute ignorant and presents himself as the opposite or superior to them. The students accepting their ignorance alienatelike the slave in the Hegelian dialect but, unlike the slave, they never discover that they could educate the teacher.
“Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction,by reconciling the poles of contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students.”-states Paulo Freiere. He proposes a libertarian education, where the teacher can’t impose his...
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