The design of the warehouse

Páginas: 2 (466 palabras) Publicado: 22 de enero de 2015
The design of the warehouse.

Physical distribution
It is the term used to describe the activities related to the movement of the right quantity of the products to the right place in the rightmoment.

The distribution in the wharehouse floor must be structured in a way that obtain this goals:
- Flow with few setbacks.
- Minimal handling work and transport
- Efficient use of the space
-Forecast of a possible expansion

Rules to follow to do a distribution in the floor of the warehouse:
- Products that are more used must be located near the exit to shorten the time ofdisplacement.
- Heavy products and difficult to carry must be located in a way that minimize their work.
- High spaces must be used for light and protected articles.
- Inflammable and dangerous materialsmust be located in closed and protected areas.
- Big protected or insensitive articles to water and the sun can be stored in some annexe, outside the building of the warehouse.
- Specialprotections will be provided to all the articles that needed them.
- All elements of security and against fire must be located adequately in relation to the stored materials.

Stages of the physicaldistribution
To design the warehouse, we have to take into account the physical build-up space and the needs needed for the goods to store.

We must plan the space designated to store, in order toachieve the objectives and profitabilities established in the logistic plan; for that before making the distribution it is necessary to know the following needs:
- Goods that are wanted to store:description, form, size, weight, physical properties.
- Quantity that are received in a supply
- Frequency of the supply: daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly.
- Means of external transport:characteristics and load that they transport
- Equip of internal transport: forklift,……………. time used
- Quantity of unit to store of every product (maximum and minimum)
- Surface of store: depending on the...
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