The Education

Páginas: 3 (525 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2011

NAME: Oscar Leonardo Valero Orjuela.


You can see all the Colombian problems (violence, poverty, etc.), as you cansee you are the Colombian hope and we mustn’t wart thetime continues, ¿How can you help Colombian country? ¿What will you do?

EEUU has been influenced the violence in Colombia, but the government has hidden, this moments, if you were president whatare you doing? What will you do?

Cuba is the best country in medicine but Colombia is developing its first steps, do you consider that Colombian will be better in the future?


As youcan see, Colombia has many biodiversity and fauna, if you were a parking director, how do you do for show our wealth and what do you need?

The “parquet national café” is the principal sight of ourcoffee products, you can see the principal advantage of this product, if you could show it in what country will you show?

There are many towns where you could visit the animals, but it couldn´t beshowed, do you build them parks? In which way do you show it?


You consider that Colombia has many exotic places as San Andres and Barranquilla, seeing this, do you prefer travel to Europeor do you prefer travel in Colombia.

Haiti is the country mast poor of all the continent, if you could travelling, what do you do do in this country, and which objective will you put?

Englandis a potential country with many knowledge reserve, EEEUU is a hypocrite country which likes to control all the American countries, what country do you prefer?


There are many people whosay that the north is better than the south because it hasn´t thieves, something, that I believe that is. False, do you prefer live in the north or in the north or in the south, explain your reasons?Bogota is unsafe, as you can see, there are some houses which have. Watchmen, do you consider that Bogota must be in each house a watchman, if you were a mayor, will you accept this new idea?...
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