The Four Visions Of Society

Páginas: 8 (1751 palabras) Publicado: 29 de abril de 2012
The exceptional variety of human society is vividly illustrated through a description of the Tuareg nomads of western Africa. The concept of society refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share culture. In this chapter four separate visions of society are discussed; each addresses questions which concern forces that shape human life. The visionsinclude:
1. Gerhard and Jean Lenskis' focus on the importance of technology,
2. Karl Marx's understanding of the key role social conflict plays in society,
3. Max Weber's illustration of the significance of ideas,
4. Emile Durkheim's analysis of the patterns of social solidarity.
Until about 10-12,000 years ago the hunting andgathering type of society was the only one in existence. The Lenskis focus their research on sociocultural evolution, or the changes that occur as a society gains new technology.
Hunting and Gathering Societies Hunting and gathering refers to simple technology for hunting and gathering vegetation. Up until about 10,000 years ago all humans were hunters and gatherers. Today only a small number ofsuch societies are still in existence. This way of life is characterized by small bands of people, a nomadic lifestyle, stratification based only on age and sex, and few positions of leadership. Such societies usually recognize a shaman, or a spiritual leader. Social organization tends to be simple and equal, being organized around kinship.
Horticultural and Pastoral Societies Ten to twelvethousand years ago plants began to be cultivated. Horticulture is technology based on using hand tools to cultivate plants. This strategy first appeared in the Middle East, and soon after, appeared in Asia and South America. Some societies, like the Yanomamo, combine hunting and gathering with horticulture. Pastoralism is technology that supports the domestication of animals. Both of these strategiesare capable of producing material surpluses. However, both also produced greater social inequality.
Agrarian Societies Agrarian societies emerged 5,000 ago and are based on agriculture, or the technology of large-scale farming using plows harnessed to animals or, eventually, mechanical tractors. The technological change during this time period was so dramatic -- including the wheel, irrigation,writing, and the expanding use of metals that the Lenskis call this era the "dawn of civilization."
The power of the elite greatly increased with the development of agriculture, supported by religious beliefs and the expanding political power structure.
Industrial Societies
Industrialism is technology that powers sophisticated machinery with advanced sources of energy. A major shift at thislevel of technological development involves production moving from the family household to the factory. Occupational specialization expands as well. Cultural values become more heterogeneous. As industrialism first emerges, social inequalities increase. As the process continues resources spread through society more widely. Great population increases occur as health conditions improve.Postindustrial Societies
Postindustrialism refers to technology that supports an information-based economy. The primary form of production centers on the creation, processing, storage, and application of information. This type of society is based on computers and skills related to their use.
The Limits of Technology Technological advancement has improved human existence in many ways, but is not withoutproblems. Industrialization has diminished our sense of community, negatively affected the environment, and created military arsenals of mass destruction.
KARL MARX: SOCIETY AND CONFLICT Karl Marx (1818-1883) addressed a basic contradiction: In a society so rich, how could so many be so poor? The central focus of Marx's work was the idea of social conflict, or the struggle between segments of...
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