The Golden Apple

Páginas: 2 (454 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012

1) The splendid fest was in the palace of Zeus.

2) A goddess called , throw a golden apple into the Great Hall because she was not invited to the fest.

3) Somewords were written on the apple: “to the prettiest”.

4) Three goddesses: Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena started to quarrel because each one wanted to have the golden apple and show the others who wasthe prettiest.

5) As Zeus couldn´t decide who was the prettiest, he sent them to Troy, in Asia Minor, to the zone of the Trojan king, Prince Paris. He will make an election among them.

6) Theyran down from Olympus and when straight to Troy, where they found Prince Paris.

7) Athena whispered into his ear: “Paris said that I´m de most beautiful goddess in Olympus and you will become thewisest, the cleverest, and the best king in the world”.
Hera ordered: “Said that I´m the most beautiful goddess, and you will be the richest, the most respected, the most loved king in the world”.Aphrodite came last and promised him the most beautiful and de most attractive wife in the world, if he chose her as the prettiest goddess on Olympus.

8) Paris decided that Aphrodite was theprettiest goddess, so the golden apple belonged to her.

9) The famous Trojan War began when Helena, the most attractive woman in the world, was kidnapped and married to Paris. Menelaus, who was Helen´sfirst husband, marched against Troy whit a strong army.

10) Once upon a time, there was and splendid fest in the palace of Zeus. One goddess was not invited and she was angry, so she throw agolden apple that said: “to the prettiest”. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite started to quarrel because each one wanted to have it. They asked to Zeus, but he couldn´t decided so he sent them to Troy, wherePrince Paris will make a decision. Paris chose Aphrodite, who helped him to marry Helena. Menelaus, Helena´s first husband marched to Troy with a big army, so the most famous war began.

B) In the...
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