The ict in the efl classroom

Páginas: 25 (6220 palabras) Publicado: 22 de diciembre de 2011
Nowadays English has become the universal language around the world due to the globalization process. In consequence this important language is being taught in numerous institutions with the purpose of preparing better people, so they will have more academic and job opportunities. However, some people cannot take in-classroom courses, since they have to travel long distances toarrive at their place of study, causing, in many cases, academic drop outs.
That is why, some time ago, technology began to be part of education, offering new ideas to the professors and students to overcome these obstacles, enriching the traditional form to teach and learn a foreign language, in this case English language. Technology is the new didactic resource that transports the students to thecountries where this tongue is spoken. It really benefits to people who cannot move to the study centers or who work long hours without the possibility to take in-classroom classes. This new tendency of teaching has been designed and called virtual education.
This project is a descriptive and reflexive study and through it, the investigator finds out, if the implementation of Information,Communication and Technology ICT in the classroom is appropriate for a faster and better acquisition of English language.
The descriptive and reflective study provides the teacher trainee with a body of information that allows him to show the result of his investigation in the social and cultural reality of the institution. The researcher’s foundation is the idea that the teacher must not besatisfied with repeating what is in the books as a part of a lineal or superficial teaching strategy of learning by heart. Instead, he should create, innovate and study how to teach the contents with the support of ICT, in order to give answer to the needs, interests and expectations of the teacher trainee and the students, according with the reality and the modernity.
The data for this project wastaken from different sources such as interviews, class observations, surveys and the journal from the teacher-trainee, and then this data was described, analyzed and reflexed in order to establish the characteristics of the elements, which appear in the English class with this methodology.
The sample for this study were 14 students form Manizales University and the results were positive, theyacquired easily the basic grammar structures, vocabulary and pronunciation through the implementation of ICT.


The basis for the goal of this work is the description and reflection on the role of ICT in English teaching and learning processes in the institution that wants to change the traditional way to teach any subject. The English teachersand teacher-trainees need to be aware of how this methodology affects the class in a different way from other methodologies and how the teacher’s role varies with the implementation of ICT in English language teaching.



The institution is a dependence of Manizales University. It is located at the carrera 23c No.64-23 La Estrella neighborhood.This institution has three departments such as the software development department, the communications department, the marketing department and the academic programs. Agreement number 07 approved this institution, September 19 year 2006, emanated from the Manizales University.

The infrastructure of the establishment consists of five floors with the following distribution: threedepartments, two classrooms and two conference rooms. The garage is located on the first floor. The main entrance, the reception and a small conference room are placed on the second floor. In front of the reception, there are the technological support area and two offices. At the end of the corridor there is a ladies bathroom. On the third floor there is the Development Center and in front it the...
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