The street of the cañon

Páginas: 3 (514 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2011
The Street of the Cañon
By Josephina Niggli
Title: The Street of the Cañon
Author: Josephina Niggli
Setting: at the village of San Juan Iglesias in the Valley of the Three Marys was celebrating.Characters: Don Romeo Calderón (Sarita´s father); the chaperones; Don Romolo Balderas (the greatest historian in the entire Republic); Rubén (the candy maker); Joaquín Castillo; Old Tío Daniel;Timoteo Gonzalez (Pepe Gonzalez´s father)
Main Characters: Pepe Gonzalez and Sarita Calderón
Internal Conflicts: Pepe has to hide his feelings, thoughts, believes, identity, and comments about theproblems between San Juan Iglesias and Hidalgo.
External conflict: They were trying to find out who brought the cheese to the party.
Climax: the people started to suspect about the identity of thestranger as Pepe Gonzalez.
Resolution: He left the place to protect his identity without being notice
Crowd of people gathered together to help Don Roméo Calderón to celebrate his daughter´seighteenth birthday in San Juan Iglesias in the Valley of the Three Marys. On the other side of the town a tall slender man, a package clutched tightly against his side, slipped from shadow to shadow.Carefully adjusting his flat package so that it was not too prominent, he squared his shoulders and walked jauntily across the street to the laughter-filled house. The man in the doorway, while tryingto appear at ease, was carefully examining and caught a glimpse of every smiling face in the party. This man entered to Sarita´s party that night. Most of all the food was cheeses. Don Romeo Calderónthrust a glass of tequila into the stranger´s hand. Then, no one was behind him, and his hands quickly unfastened the package he had been guarding so long. He dances with Sarita. They talked aboutpeople of Hidalgo and San Juan Iglesias; they do not speak each other. The Hidalgo man grinned with Sarita and told her that their leader was Pepe Gonzalez. He slipped his arm around her waist as the...
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