The virgin mary

Páginas: 3 (602 palabras) Publicado: 30 de junio de 2011
One of the most important women ever in religion is Mary, also called Virgin Mary, Holly Virgin Mary. She was the mother of Jesus according with the New Testament and the gospels. It is not clearwhen she was born but according with the bible we can guess around 20 or 30 before Christ (BC). She probably died around 50 or 60 years after Christ, even she did not die, she was ascended into heavenaccording with the Catholic Church as well as Eastern Orthodox Church.

She resided at Nazareth in Galilee and she lived with her parents called Ann and Joaquin. There is not much information aboutMary in the bible still many researches have investigated about her.

But when begins the story about the holly mother of god? “When the angel Gabriel announced her that she will have a boy and thischild would have the mission to save people souls” the Catholic Church says. Why god chose her? According with the gospel of Luke, Mary was chosen by god because she had a pure soul and obviously shewas virgin, it means she had not a relationship with a man.

Many people that are not catholic think that Mary had many sons before Jesus and they do not believe in her.

There are a lot ofpoints of view according each religion for example the protestant view hold that Mary is the mother of god but only is a common woman devoted to god. The Nontrinitarian, they do not consider to Mary themother of god therefore, they not believe in her.

As we can see there are different points of view about Mary of Nazareth. But every person must recognize that she was a valiant woman. Since sherealized that she would have a child and that boy would die to thirty years later crucified by the people.

Also exist apparitions of Mary for example the Fatima apparition which has been one of themost important in the century XX, because she told to three kids secrets or prophecies relationed with wars (the power ascension of Hitler in the world war two) and then it materialized.

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