Tjmun gdl korea del norte

Páginas: 2 (316 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2012
delegateDelegate: Bernardo Paillaud Hernández.
School: Thomas Jefferson campus Guadalajara.
Committee: Children´s rights.
Topic B: Provide education to children from developing countries.Country: Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Around the globe, some 75 children don’t have the opportunity of a wright education. Many of these children live in rural areas.Children, on developing countries, are prevented from assisting to school because the war or crisis state of the country makes education a distant panorama. On many countries where the civil orinternational war is passing the street, many schools had been destroyed, transformed into war shelters or just abandoned. And for developing countries that had just passed from a war, these isn´tmuch different. For thousands of children around the Earth the school isn´t an option, these can because many reasons. On rural areas the school can be economically unplayable; it can be on adifferent dialect the kid doesn’t understand; it can be really far away, or it just does not exist.
In North Korea the free education is aright and is obligatory, the position of the governmentamong this issue is that the government will provide school, education and teachers. On the country, most people older than 15 is alphabet. The school is universal and for 11 years. Not all thekids of the country assist to school; the school in North Korea haves many reasons: maintain kids out of the streets; give them the opportunity of the education. The fact is that not all the100% of the population of children assist to school, these is a problem North Korea is facing with the creation of schools.
The education is a right in North Korea, is free, universal, andobligatory. The government recognizes as priority to advance economically, and then improve the education. The government sees as a solution, the improving of the economic state of the country.
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