Trabajo De Ingles

Páginas: 2 (282 palabras) Publicado: 22 de mayo de 2012
LUGAR:Paris is the capital of France. Is a place where you can visit the Eiffel tower. It’s so pretty because is one of the most romantic places in theworld. Their food is delicious. Most of the tourist prefers to visit the Eiffel tower than the Moulin Rouge. | |
MASCOTA:Kelvin is a York shire. Ithas almost 3 months. It’s a small dog. His coat is of three colors: black, gold and silver. Kelvin is a dog who loves playing. It rather plays withballs than with stuffed animals. It’s a beautiful dog. | |
FAMILIAR:My cousin Norma is a person who likes to make new friend. She always makes mefeel happy and also makes me laugh. Norma is a pretty girl. She is in her 20's. She is tall. Her hair is light brown and wavy. Norma has green eyes. Hercomplexion is white. She rather go to the movies than read. But she is very intelligent and she always has good grades. | |
AMIGO:Brenda isthe funniest girl I know, she is short. She is 16 years old. She is a person who always gives the best of herself. I think she is very kind and friendly.She has long hair, brown eyes and her complexion is olive skinned. She is beautiful. She like to play sports. And she prefers play soccer thanvolleyball. | |
Yo: I’m a girl who has a long curly hair. I have an average height. My complexion is light. I am pretty. I love animals and Iwant to be a veterinary medical. I'd rather take care of dogs than cats. I love to watch comedy movies and horror movies. I like rap music. | |
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