Trabajo De Ingles

Páginas: 5 (1045 palabras) Publicado: 27 de junio de 2012

It was seven thirty on to cold wet December evenining six days before christmas a bar called McFaddens in the city of New York on the corner of esat 42nd Street and second avenue, the private investigator Nat Marley looks at a beautiful woman that tape-worm put a small black garment and a necklace of pearls in his neck that seems to call his attention. Of the curiosity, hefollows it to the Main station, but it loses it. The following day, having come to his office finds her seated waiting for him in his office. Marley does not say anything on the previous night. She appears as Angela Lake, the ex-wife removed from the millionaire businessman Robert Lake, president of Software of Lake, she tells him his history in which they were divorced says to him that she tape-wormthat to return to him all the things that overcome 10000 dollars and that tape-worm a flat portfolio of jewels but tape-worm fear of returning them because of it proposes him to pay 2000 dollars to claim this portfolio of jewels that they were finding in the Wall Street and to return it to his husband. Marley suspects and says to Stella Delgado (secretary) to send the ticket of claim of the Lakeand the key of portfolio to the Administration of Post office. He at the time asks the colleague Joe Blaney to invoice a similar portfolio in the Space of Package and to bring the ticket of claim.
Marley discovers that the Corporation of Lake loses the money. Marley claims his own suitcase, but it is stopped by the Captain Oldenberg, who is disappointed that the malitin this emptiness. AngelaLake has denounced an assault and Marley pairs the description that she gave of his attacker. A ticket of claim and the jeweler's shop they were between articles stolen. After the interrogation, Marley is taken to his office, which is being looked by the police. No tests are opposing. There is no Angela Lake's sign it was in Marley's office. Later, Stella shows a diamond necklace that she has beenconcealing that Angela Lake must have left in Nat's office. The incriminating article, deserving 500,000 dollars, is sent to the Mail.
Meanwhile Robert Lake denies the rumors of dirty tricks of business against a rival, Osaka the Network. Marley orders Joe to look at the apartment of the Lagos. Joe returns with Robert Lake's photos with three Chinese types, one of whom is Tommy Lam, a suspectedcriminal. Then they call Marley to the apartment of the Lagos. Robert Lake admits that they had decided to involve Marley which marley annoys and strikes Robert lake in the face - everything is filmed as tests. On the exit, Lam finds Marley and makes clear that the Lagos it owe the money for the operation of IT piracy that he realized. Marley has to reveal the whereabouts of Angela Lake's key andclaim the ticket, but thankfully they still have not come to the mail. Later, in the Police headquarters, Angela Lake identifies Marley as his attacker and Marley is accused. The following day, Marley is asked, but the interview is stopped. The Lagos have changed his history. Lam waits out of the office. Marley leaves his portfolio with his attorney and joins Lam, who explains since him it made theLagos change his history. Marley is taken to the mail, but without GO, he cannot take the packages since it was an indispensable requirement, A fight explodes, and Lam and the company is arrested. Marley asks to see the Captain Oldenberg. The packages are opened. Oldenberg and Marley return to the Space of Package and open the case of the Lagos only to find a couple of earrings in it.
Oldenbergleaves the case in the Space of Package, returns the ticket of claim and the key to Angela Lake and liberates Lam. His plan is of expecting and seeing which Lam's following movement will be. The following day, after the visit to the Space of Package, Lam kidnaps Angela Lake and demands a rescue of 5,000,000 of dollars in the money or the jeweler's shop. Marley has to act as the mediator and says...
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