
Páginas: 6 (1451 palabras) Publicado: 16 de mayo de 2011
Process Mapping pp g & Procedure Development p

©2007 Consultas Pty Ltd

Slide 2

Typical Management Systems – Overview


Process Mapping & Procedure Development

What are Policies?
Slide 3

• “A plan or course of action, as of a l f ti f government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters” •Policies determine direction and course of action • Policies’ examples are:
– – – – – Health & Safety, Environment, Quality Governance G Business Ethics

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

What is a Process?
Slide 4

• “ “…a series of actions, changes or f i f ti h functions th t ti that bring about an end or result.” (American Heritage, 1978, 1043). g , , ) • “A Process is defined asone or more tasks that transform a set of inputs into a specified set of outputs ( t t (goods or services) f another person d i ) for th [customer] or process via a combination of p p , procedures, and tools.” ( people, p , (Wesner, Hiatt, , , Trimble, 1994, 38) • The sequence of things [procedures] done to produce an output. A t k i j t one i di id l d t t task is just individual step in theprocess (Flanigann, Scott, 1995, 6)

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

Slide 5

Where do Processes fit in your Project or Business? • Processes are your core activities • Processes start from directives or policies developed or mandated by executive management or board g • Are developed by the managers in each o t e ajo po cy a d ope at o a o of the major policy and operational orproject areas • Should then be implemented via Procedures

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

Process - Simplified Presentation
Slide 6


Task A + Task B + Task C + Task D



• An input is whatever you need to start the process • The tasks are the specific work you add to the input • The output is what you d l h h deliver to your customer (can be internal departmentetc.)
– Focus first on WHAT needs to be done, then WHO is done doing it.

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

Why do you have Procedures?
Slide 7

• To comply with corporate policies and l h l d directives • To ensure external compliance requirements are met (corporate law, q p etc.) o e su e co s ste cy, e c e cy a d • To ensure consistency, efficiency and repeatability of businessoperations. • To provide an audit trail (quality & compliance)

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

What is a Procedure?
Slide 8

• A controlled* d ll d document that d h describes: b
– the sequence of steps to execute a routine activity. Usually involves several individuals ll l l d d l or departments. – A complete unit of work th t specifies th l t it f k that ifi the “What”,“When”, “How” and by “Whom” this unit of work will be done. These are a done mandatory when developed.

• Email us for an example *V i controlled with standardised di ib i Version ll d i h d di d distribution
Process Mapping & Procedure Development

What does a Procedure identify?
Slide 9
Action By Approve



• T k that are required f th process, Tasks th t i d forthe in sequence • Wh is responsible f accomplishing Who i ibl for li hi each task • Wh provides support f each of th Who id t for h f those tasks • Wh t systems are used What t d • Decision points • Approval points

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

Who “owns” what? owns
Slide 10

• Process Owner: overall manager of ll f Process (within business unit); person who h the b d k h has hbroad knowledge of policies l d f l and directives • Procedure Custodian: team leader of business section; person who has the p detailed knowledge of the activities

Process Mapping & Procedure Development

Slide 11

Creating procedures from a written base
• Review existing Procedure and confirm d d f chronology and start and end points. • Extract from the written document who is...
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