Traduccion De Textos De Enfermeria

Páginas: 3 (617 palabras) Publicado: 1 de octubre de 2012
The surgeon in a hospital makes the greatest use of the operating room. And operating room must be equipped whit a variety of expensive equipment and tolls. Because of constanttechnical advances, many operating suites quickly become obsolete.
One of the most important aspects of surgery involves the anesthiciologist or anesthetic. Patients thus suffered considerable pain.Today the administration of anesthecia has become so important; it is now recognized as a medical especialty.
The technique of patient monitoring has become very popular in operating rooms and otherareas of the hospital. A patient`s vital signs are constantly observed through the use of electronic devises attached to the patient. In this way, operating room attendants can alert surgeons immediatelyto changes in the patient`s condition. Patient monitoring is a significant aid improving a patient`s chances of recovery.
Most women visit their “ov/gyn specialist” on a regular basis in his orher office. They are asked to use a hospital only if they need and operation or if they are ready to give birth to a child. A pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital once she has begun labor. Sheexpends most of her time in a labor room and is moved to the delivery room only when the baby is ready to be born. The mother recovers for a short time after the delivery in a recovery room. The baby istaken immediately to a nursery.
El cirujano en un hospital hace el mayor uso de la sala de operaciones. Y el quirófano debe estar equipado con una variedad de equipos yherramientas costosas. Debido a los constantes avances tecnológicos, muchas salas de funcionamiento se convierten rápidamente en obsoletos.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes de la cirugía consiste en elanestesiólogo. Los pacientes por lo tanto sufren un dolor considerable. Hoy en día la administración de anestesia se ha vuelto tan importante, ya que ahora se reconoce como una Especialidad médica.
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