
Páginas: 3 (596 palabras) Publicado: 27 de diciembre de 2012

In our first talk, whose speaker was a doctor recognized community of Aragon expert on the subject to be treated (liver transplantation), explainedvarious issues. First let us know that a liver transplant was only performed on terminally ill, and that was a process that took considerable budget. After knowing the patient will seek a donor, andonce we have made ​​it a series of tests the patient to see whether or not reject the new organ to be transplanted. Then the doctor showed us some pictures of some liver transplant operations he hasmade ​​throughout history. Here he explained that this type of operation was very complicated, requiring approximately 10 hours (being a good surgeon), although it could extend much further. He alsostated that the purpose of this operation was to connect the blood vessels and bile duct of the recipient with the donor organ (is the base). Finally the doctor had released some other eminent names withwhom he has worked and explained how operations were once: for example, the first liver transplant was made by Dr. Thomas Starzl U.S. to a child of 3 years in early sixties, after making experimentson animals for a few years. The child eventually died. But the doctor said to us that was normal due to the limited technology that was available at that time. It is not until the eighties when theybegin operations actually are safer.

Como nos explicó el doctor en la charla en la actualidad al haber mayores avances tecnológicos las posibilidades de sobrevivira la operación son bastante altas, además en nuestra época se ha crecido en la investigación y con esto el conocimiento sobre los trasplantes en general (incluido el trasplante hepático). Y, porsupuesto ha crecido el número de donantes en un porcentaje bastante más alto que el de los años ochenta y noventa. Pues gracias a todos estos factores se realizan muchas más operaciones de trasplante...
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