Tu Mama

Páginas: 3 (644 palabras) Publicado: 12 de enero de 2013
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del poder Popular para la Defensa
U.E.M.N. “Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho”
2 Año “A”

Trabajo de Ingles


El presente trabajotiene la finalidad de dar a conocer el presente simple el cual es un tema de suma importancia y utilidad en la estructura gramatical de toda lengua de manera especial lo es en la lengua inglesa puespermite expresar actividades habituales hechos generales, horarios etc. En resumen es la base a la comprensión del inglés.
Finalmente se presentan preguntas con sus respuesta y un dialogo o conversacióndel presente simple.
Y también hablaremos sobre el presente progresivo, el cual está compuesto por el verbo To Be. A continuación se explica donde y cuando se utiliza.

Presente progresivo:
*I am singing a song
Am i singing a song?
Yes you are singing a song
No you are singing a song

* you are swimming in the pool
Are you swimming in the pool?
Yes I am swimming in the pool
NoI am swimming in the pool

* we are having fun
Are we having fun?
Yes we are having fun
No we are having fun

* I am helping you with your homework
Am I helping you with yourhomework?
Yes you are helping you with your homework
No you are helping you with your homework

* I am studying English
Am I studying English?
Yes you are studying English
No you are studyingEnglish

* You are playing soccer
Are you playing soccer?
Yes I am playing soccer
No I am playing soccer

* we are walking in the square
Are we walking in the square?
Yes we are walking inthe square
No we are walking in the square

* she is eating a lot
Is she eating a lot?
Yes she is eating a lot
No she is eating a lot

* I am driving my Porsche over 100 mph
Am Idriving my Porsche over 100 mph
Yes I am driving my Porsche over 100 mph
No I am driving my Porsche over 100 mph

* I am watching my favorite TV show
Am I watching my favorite TV SHOW?
Yes I am...
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  • Mama
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  • mamá
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  • Mama
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas