Tv and radio england

Páginas: 3 (586 palabras) Publicado: 15 de septiembre de 2012
Lucero Rodríguez Reyna
M: 1484104

Discussion topics and activities-TELEVISION AND RADIO
What do you consider to be the most distinctive characteristics of British television since the 1970s?
-Ithink that the most distinctive characteristics were the sitcoms, because they were a different way to see the life. Sitcoms made you happy show you situations of dairy life with humor.
Whatsimilarities and differences can you see between British television of recent years and that of your country?
British television has cultural and educational channels, but here in Mexico there are few ofthem.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a state-run monopoly of television funded by a TV license? Would you like to see it in your country?

Do you consider the television in yourcountry politically to favour one party or another? How is this favoritism expressed?
Televisa support to PRI party, and it can be shown notably, because Televisa in its programs of news, favoursthe party and made to seem the party like if it was a good party or a no long bad party.
The main kind of audiences for programmes can often be identified from the kind of products advertised duringthe breaks. What do you notice about adverts shown during the soap operas/game shows/sport/documentary programmes/other genres on television and radio in your country?
Soap operas: The kinds ofaudience who watch them I think are women, and I’ve noticed that adverts show products to clean the house, products that are advertised with the word ‘sale’.
Sports: The kinds of audience who watch them Ithink are men, in its majority. I’ve noticed that adverts show products for male or about other programmes about sports.
Game shows: regularly these kinds of programmes are shown for all the familyand I’ve noticed that adverts show board games in the breaks.
Think about the representation of regional and ethnic identities in television dramas and soap operas in your country. Is their...
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