Useful English Expressions

Páginas: 23 (5626 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2012
1. What is the writer TRYING TO DO / author trying to do in this text | Explain |
| Provide information |
| Warn about |
| Advice / suggest |
How do you feel about working in group ? | |
How do you feel working in bad weather conditions? | |
What can you learn about the reader from this text ? | compare / explain / he like sharing |
What can areader find out from this text ? | |
What does ( Priest, hunter, kid says about … | |
What did the writer feel about ……? | |
The story is mostly about ….. | |
The text reports the | the final results |
| the hypothesis |
| the initial results |
| the limitations |
The purpose of the author is to | Inform about the ….. |
| criticize the research |
| defend anargument |
| describe an experiment |
The most Appropriate title for this text is … | |
The most appropriate meaning for the word in paragraph 3 is | |
According to the text, the ( protagonist, person ) | |
According to the text, we can infer that | |
According to the text , it is true that | |
The author intention is to | Give information, argument, tell, show |The author intention is to | supporting criticizing, clarifying, explaining |
The underline words Every day means | |
According to the reading, one of the following ideas corresponds to the truth | |
In line 8, the underlined word (it, them, him, her, their, our, us) refers to | |
The underlined word ( WHO , WHICH, ) is related to | |
The underline word moreover helps to| add, information, compare contrast, eliminate |
The author conclusion about “…………………“ is that | |
The underlined word SEEK OUT can be replaced by | give up, look for, find out, take care, |
Based on the text , we can conclude that | |
The expression “ …………………………..” refers to | |
From the text, we can infer that ………. because ….. | A. B. C. C. |
Theexpression “open minding and approachable ”is similar in meaning to | Docile and absent / Vulnerable and undefendedReceptive and accessible/Extrovert and concentrated |
According to the picture Mary feels | ashamed, surprised, satisfied ,worried |
based on the pictures Magda has _____ hair | Curly, blonde, long, straight, short, long |
According to the pictures, She probably feels |excited disappointed anxious uncomfortable |
The text given above can be found | on a postcard, in an encyclopedia, in a pamphlet on calendar, brochure, |
The underlined word WHO, WHICH, HIM, HER, THEM, US, THEIR, HIS, HIM ) is related to | |
| |

there isn’t any milk left | my throat hurts | although | Tube |
instead of | unable | painkiller | wells |
in spite of |fair | Neither do I | I’ve got a pet |
therefore | seek | although | Tube |
by heart | amused | lift | burn |
scrambled eggs | boiled eggs | escalator | deadline |
Due to | amazed | behind | I’d better |
ashamed | appointment | date | I’d rather be |
ladder | borrow | hold /held | he hurt himself |
lecture lecturer | Have a date | breast | Make a living |quit the program | fix | failure | succeed |
quiet in the room | demanding | feed | illness |
quite difficult | perhaps | moreover | run the company |
believe | costume | customer | cab |
quite | pretty well | bowl | broth |
wherever | exit | trespasser | twice |
from the bottom | add | hide and seek | realize |
However | Whenever | Whatever | Whoever || | | |


According1___my personal experiences. I’m interested 2 ____ going abroad, However it depends 3 _____getting the Visa. I’ m waiting 4____ my relatives who lives in the USA. I have translated 5_____ English my curriculum vitae, therefore I must develop many language skills with tasks that consist 6 ____...
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