Using php, soap and wsdl

Páginas: 3 (746 palabras) Publicado: 4 de agosto de 2010
pTutorial: Using PHP, SOAP and WSDL Technology to access a public web service.
** Created by Snehal Monteiro for CIS 764 **

In this small tutorial we will access the Kansas Department ofRevenue's web service to get sales tax information for a particular area in Kansas. We just send the Zip Code of a particular area in Kansas to the web service and it returns the sales tax for that region.Pre-requisites: 1)The server should support PHP. Since the server for the CIS Department supports PHP scripts, this would not be a problem for us. 2)All our html and php documents will be saved in thepublic_html folder in the U drive. 3)A text editor like notepad where we write html and php code. Tutorial Steps: There are 4 major steps involved: 1) Creating a simple HTML page , which has just onetext box to enter the Zip Code. 2) Download the nusoap.php document and save it the public_html folder. 3)Create the getTax.php which will access the web service using WSDL(Web Service DesriptionLanguage) file published by the Kansas Department of Revenue. 4)Run the web application.

1)Creating a simple HTML page , which has just one text box to enter the Zip Code:
Copy paste or type thefollowing code in a note-pad and save the file as getTax.html in the public_html folder.

Get Tax Details Enter Zip Code of a region in Kansas and hit submit to get sales tax details for thatparticular region: Enter Zip Code:

After opening the getTax.html page in the browser you can see the following web page:

2)Download the nusoap.php document and save it the public_html folder:Here we access nusoap.php which is open-source and available freely. We reference the nusoap.php document in our getTaxDetails.php. 1] Click on this link:] Navigate through the web-site. Click on the file and download it. 3] Unzip the file. 4]Then open the folder nusoap-0.7.3. Then open the lib folder. You will see...
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