
Páginas: 2 (476 palabras) Publicado: 16 de enero de 2013
Crocodiles order Reptiles first appeared about 200 million years and are believed to be a remnant of the great age of reptiles. Their ancestors originally lived on land and had a slightly built, butsoon diversified into aquatic forms, the Crocodiles live in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Modern species are amphibious, spending much of his life in the water, where they swim withrhythmic movements of the tail. Sometimes, it helps them to capture prey, dragging them from shallow water to more fundamental areas, where they can more easily devour. The Crocodiles are well adapted toliving predatory and have few natural enemies. His bony plates called osteoderms, forming a kind of armor in their thick skin. His teeth, in number from 30 to 40 in each jaw fit into sockets aboutthese and overlap each other when the mouth is closed. In crocodiles, the fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw protrudes when the mouth is closed, in alligators, these teeth are not visible.Crocodile eggs are used as food in some parts of the world, his skin is highly prized for making leather goods and extract the musk glands used in making perfumes. Due to overexploitation, most crocodiles,like yellow and Nile are considered threatened species.
I like crocodiles that have very large fangs are very long and very fast.

Los reptiles del orden Crocodilios aparecieron porprimera vez hace unos 200 millones de años y se cree que constituyen un vestigio de la gran era de los reptiles. Sus antecesores vivían originalmente en tierra y tenían una constitución ligera, peropronto se diversificaron en formas acuáticas, los Crocodilios viven en áreas tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. Las especies modernas son anfibias y pasan buena parte de su vida en el agua, dondenadan con movimientos rítmicos de la cola. En ocasiones, ésta les sirve para capturar a sus presas, arrastrándolas desde aguas poco profundas hasta zonas de mayor calado, donde pueden devorarlas con...
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