Vegans Vs. Vegetarians

Páginas: 23 (5672 palabras) Publicado: 16 de noviembre de 2012
Campus Tampico

Third Partial
“Ovo- lacto vegetarians and Vegans, Progress report 2”

Gabriela Miranda Molina 511216
Lisa Chong Chung 511274
Sarai Cervantes Sifuentes 511572
Ana Karen Vázquez Ramírez 511732
Blanca Leticia Badillo 511262

Team 1
Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Bella de la Garza
April 14th, 2012
“Ovo- lacto vegetarians and Vegans,Progress report 2”
Doing a research report about ovo-lacto vegetarians and vegans, involves various steps, which are defining the research question, its problem statement, the objectives of the research, the justification of itself, the hypothesis and the Literature review. In this pages there are described all of these steps about the research.
On the literature review we have doneseveral researches to check all the data collected and used for the investigation.
The term vegetarianism was first mentioned by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras around 500 BCE. Later, followers of several religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism) also adopted this kind of lifestyle because they believed humans shouldn’t cause any harm to animals.
Thousands of yearslater, in November 1944, a British woodworker named Donald Watson said he was going to create a new term called "vegan," to describe people who did not eat eggs, milk and other food that comes from the animals.
More recently, vegetarianism appeared approximately in the end of the XVIII century but it wasn’t until the middle of the XX century that Scientifics proved that a vegetarian dietcould be compatible with health.
Among the years, the importance of including vegetables and fruits in our diet has become louder, but what's been a slow in interest is reaching actually doing it. It was actually in the XX century where it acquired more popularity and these days we can even see operators who add vegetarian options to their menus.
Last year, a report from the SchoolNutrition Association showed that 98.8% of school members offered fresh fruits and vegetables, while 63.9% served vegetarian meals.
Also, at Gwinnett County Public Schools in Suwanee, Ga., they have been adding vegetarian alternatives in their menu prompted by trends, parents and even students requests "We realized that about 3% of the population is vegetarian and we have around 5,000 students,"said the nutritional coordinator. "We want to offer the health benefits associated with plant-based, soy-based foods.” It is evident that there is an interest in society and schools to promote eating healthy.
The organization of the research will be done by questions that will help organize the research in 3 different categories. The questions will be:
• What are the advantages ofbeing vegetarian?
• What are the health risks and cons of being vegetarian?
• What is the difference between ovo-lacto vegetarians and vegans?
“What are the advantages of being vegetarian?”
First of all, being a vegetarian makes you follow a better lifestyle. The article from Spencer, Appleby, Davey and Key that was published on 2003 called Diet and body mass index in 38000EPIC-Oxford meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans analyzed 9419 vegetarian women and 983 vegan women, they also analyzed men but for this study there are only considered women results. From these women they reported healthy lifestyles: most of them never had smoked, the statistics showed (see Table 1), women 65% has never been smoker and 64% for vegans. Analyzing how much they smoke is reallyimportant, but it is not the only thing that must be measured.
Spencer et al also took under consideration physical activity and marital status for these women. Very few had high physical activity from both, vegans and vegetarians, but the majority of them reported medium low physical activity (p.3). Most of them were married, and women who reported to be widows, divorced or separated...
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