
Páginas: 5 (1026 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2013
"Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind." ~Albert Einstein. Vegetarianism is a plant-based diet, with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs, and with the exclusion of meat. The benefits of a vegetarian diet in the person itself, and in the environment can make a real difference. I believedeeply that only a change of diet can change the planet, and in the next paragraphs I will try to explain some of the many reasons to become a vegetarian.
It seems natural in our society to eat meat, but the truth is that our body structures are more similar to the ones of herbivores than to the one of omnivores or carnivores. They are many studies that prove this, such as the one of BaylorUniversity Medical Center Proceedings. Our intestinal track length, our stomach acidity, saliva, claws and teeth’s are like the ones of herbivores. For this reason, eating meat is normal for some animals, but is not healthy for us. Although it is true meat is a very good source for protein, we can find in plant food every nutrient we need for a good health. It would help you reduce saturated fatsand prevent obesity. Also it would reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, which causes heart diseases, the #1 cause of dead in America, imagine the change this could make. Other benefit is that plants contain less agricultural chemicals than meat, such as pesticides and herbicides.

Besides the benefits of health, being a vegetarian can help to preserve the environment. The production of meatwastes a lot of fresh water. When you are eating meat you are effectively consuming the water that the animal has needed to live and grow. It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat, while growing 1 pound of wheat only requires 25 gallons. You save more water by not eating a pound of meat than you do by not showering for six months! Water is a privilege and we need to useit wisely. You could also help to prevent deforestation. According to the United Nations raising animal for food takes about 30% of the worlds land including 70% of forests in the Amazon “our planet lungs”, these is killing not only the vegetation but all the animals that live there too. Livestock generates two thirds of all the ammonia, big cause of acid rain. Cows and pigs also producegreenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide and many other polluting gases. Methane is 23 times worst that CO2 and a cow release between 70 and 120 kg of Methane per year, the effect of this in the ozone layer is worse than cars! And if you want to help the planet, is easier to stop eating meat than to stop using cars.
Another reason become a vegetarian is to protect animals. An animal eatingother animals is part of nature, but there is nothing natural in about the way in which humans produce meat. One thing it’s an animal that lives free and eventually is killed by a predator and another thing is what humans do. Animals can feel pain just as we do, but they are innocent and helpless to our cruelty. They are plunged into the burning water of the defeathering or hair-removal tanks, theirbodies are skinned or hacked apart. The way they are killing most of these animals is completely inhumane, and the worst part is not the day they are killed is the entire life of suffering. Produce them, deny them from any kind freedom, and have them live a life full of sorrow just waiting in a small, crowded place for the day of their dead. Keeping them in small cages or sheds, where they can’teven move, sometimes they are not even able to turn around and that what makes the meat so soft. Depriving them of walking or jus moving to make them fat, so their energy only goes to the production of human consumptions. They are fed with drugs to fatten them faster and keep them alive in the terrible conditions that could otherwise kill them. They are also genetically altered to grow faster or...
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