
Páginas: 9 (2097 palabras) Publicado: 5 de noviembre de 2011
Nuestro objetivo es aumentar la facturación de la empresa por medio de la explotación de la sección Peletería dentro de la división de Pieles de Conejo.
Es importante resaltar que tanto la división de pieles de vacas y corderos como la pieles de Conejo division forros, son mercados que están estancados o decreciendo.
Comerpiel representa solamente un 7% en la facturación total de la empresapero representa un 17% dentro de la división Pieles de Conejo, motivo por el cual pasa a ser un cliente vital para la misma.
Pedro está bajo presión para obtener buenos resultados ya que su división todavía no ha arrojado los resultados deseados y su padre nunca estuvo muy convencido de tomar este nuevo rumbo.
Pedro está convencido que el futuro de la empresa está en el mercado de los productos convalor agregado.

Criterios analizados

  1. Capacidad de producción: ¿Podemos realizar a tiempo la entrega del pedido?

Es necesario producir 20.000 bandas grandes y 30.000 pequeñas, lo cual equivale a producir 37.647 piezas grandes.

Las entregas se distribuyen de la siguiente manera:

30/09 – 11.300 bandas
31/10 – 7.530 bandas
30/11 – 11.300 bandas
31/12 – 7.530 bandas

Elproceso de producción comprende:

  1. Compra de materia prima
  2. Clasificación de la materia prima: proceso tercerizado
  3. Tintado: la empresa pueden tintar 250.000 piezas por mes
  4. Transferencia en bandas: proceso tercerizado
  5. Estampado (opcional): la empresa tiene la capacidad de estampar 14.000 bandas por mes
  6. Proceso adicional (especial para pedido de Comerpiel):   la empresapuede procesar 13.000 bandas por mes*
  7. Empaquetado y envío

* (36 b.30’x2) = 72 b.x hora x 9 horas * 20 dias = 12.960

Pieles de La Garriga Case Study


In the Pieles de La Garriga case study we have to decide whether we are going to accept the offer of Comerpiel and under which conditions. In order to make our decision we have to consider some criteria. The criteria that Iidentified as the most important are the lack of capacity for the first month if we decide to take the whole order, the profit or loss, the risk that Comerpiel will back out the contract, and the strategic implications of our decision.
None of the alternatives is perfect. So we have to decide which of the criteria are the most important and to choose the alternative that satisfies them the most.For me, the most important criteria are the strategic implications and the maximum profit that we can make. I don't think that the risk is so high and the problem with the capacity can be solved if we pay some overtimes.
So, I chose to accept the whole order of Comerpiel (to produce both the small and the large bands) and to ask for a price 5% higher than the suggested. By choosing a price 5%higher we can earn much more profits and at the same time we reduce he financial risk.


The first thing I am going to do concerning the analysis is to define the problem that we are facing (I consider myself in this case as a partner of Pedro). Basically we have to make a decision. We have to decide if we are going to accept the offer of Comerpiel and the conditions of theagreement. The conditions have to do with the products that we will have to deliver (small bands, large bands or both) and the price of these products.
The next step is to choose the criteria that we are going to take into consideration. In my opinion, the most important criteria are the following (their order does not indicate their importance):
1. Capacity
2. Profit
3. Risk
4. Strategy
I amgoing to start with the capacity of the machine and the capacity of the rest of the factory. As we know, if we order the machine now (which is the end of August) it will take approximately two weeks to be delivered and start working (without taking into consideration any possible delays). That means that we will have approximately two weeks time to produce the first delivery. That delivery (at...
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