Vocabulario De Inglés Longman Keystone

Páginas: 4 (829 palabras) Publicado: 18 de diciembre de 2012
Longman Keystone.
Vocabulary unit 1.
Word | Definition |
Architecture | The style and design of buildings. |
Gradual | Happening or changing slowly over a long time. |
Steep | Rising orfalling sharply. |
Numerals | Written signs that represent numbers. |
Spirals | Shapes that curve around and around as they go up. |
Infinity | Space or distance that has not limits or end. |Constant | Happening regularly or all the time. |
Illustrate | Explain or make something clear by giving examples. |
Sequence | A series of related events, actions, or number that have a particularorder. |
Unique | The only one of its type. |
Sacred | Relating to a god or religion and believed to be holy. |
Creature | An animal, fish or insect. |
Archaeologist | Someone who learns aboutancient civilization by studying the remains of their graves, buildings and tools. |
Disappeared | Stopped existing. |
Clues | Information or objects that can help solve a crime or mystery. |Fantasy | A thing or situation that is not real, but imagined. |
Survive | Continue to live or exist. |
Evidence | Facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that something exists or is true. |Create | Make something exist |
Accurate | Correct or exact. |
Motive | The reason that makes someone do something, especially when the reason is kept hidden. |
Pursue | Chase or followsomeone or something to catch him, her, or it. |
Aware | Realizing that something is true, exist or is happening. |
Intelligent | Having a high ability to learn, understand, and think about things. || |

Longman Keystone.
Vocabulary unit 2.

Word | Definition |
Rights | Things you are allowed to do, according to law or moral ideas, |
Education | Process of learning in a school orother program of study. |
Rituals | Ceremonies that are always done the same way. |
Citizen | Someone who lives in a particular town, state or country. |
Ceremony | Formal event that happens in...
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