Waiting for a reason

Páginas: 9 (2041 palabras) Publicado: 16 de septiembre de 2012
No, I regret nothing, all I regret is having been born,
dying is such a long tiresome business I always found. 
Samuel Beckett 

There is nothing. There is a tree.
Vladimir, Waiting for Godot

« L´homme est condamné à être libre»; this statement by Jean Paul Sartre has intense implications on human beings since it involves the fact of being free, the notion of Godand mainly, the responsibility to chose and to take decisions, however it is almost impossible to do so when human life does not have a direction or a real reason of its existence. In this way, that existence seems to be imposed by someone or something unknown and as a result, human beings suffer because of their uncertain future. “Waiting for Godot” is a play which depicts that anguish of giving arational explanation to the existence through the fact of waiting, waiting for someone (or something) that may justify human life, nevertheless, that wait relies on a hazy hope since nobody knows if someday the explanation will arrive.
“Waiting for Godot” was a product of the despair of twentieth century. After two World Wars, uncertainties and fears were brought to set a new human conditionwhich was saturated of pessimistic and violent ideas about the future of the world. In this way, the search for a meaning of existence became the main intention of Samuel Beckett –and other writers- who saw the wrecked past and an unpredictable future as the columns or bases of the new human condition.
Now, the play itself shows a static situation with two men: Vladimir and Estragon, old trampsthat are waiting for someone named Godot: “Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it’s awful”. This situation shows how these two men have to face time by waiting, so they inevitably depend on an indeterminate chance where time becomes meaningless: it does not matter if they wait one day or twenty years because at the end, they will never find an absolute truth or a real reason of their lives:ESTRAGON: Let's go.
VLADIMIR: We can't.
ESTRAGON: Why not?
VLADIMIR: We're waiting for Godot.
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah!

The act of waiting is an essential aspect of human condition and it is just in this act when we perceive the flow of time in its most evident form; we often get exasperated when we wait for something or someone but it is an inherent aspect of human life: “We arenot merely more weary because of yesterday, we are other, no longer what we were before the calamity of yesterday” However when we are aware of that flow of time, our existence starts dealing with the problem of being, so questions such as What do we do now?, what are we doing here? What is going to happen next are frequent when we do not have a purpose to exist.

Well then, that process of timeflowing should makes us different every day, though we are not conscious of that aspect on ourselves but we do with the others: Can we ever be sure that the human beings we meet are the same today as they were yesterday? It is evident when Lucky and Pozzo appear, neither Vladimir nor Estragon recognized them, even Estragon takes Pozzo for Godot:

Very likely. They all change. Only wecan't.
Likely! It's certain. Didn't you see them?
I suppose I did. But I don't know them.
Yes you do know them.
No I don't know them.
We know them, I tell you. You forget everything. (Pause. To himself.) Unless they're not the same . . .

Nevertheless, waiting without any purpose, as nothing ever happens, that change does notexist, is just an illusion. The only change that they could experiment is the arrival of Godot, the unreal force which would give them order and direction.

That is how, we can see that human condition relies on a feeling of uncertainty at being unable to find a meaning of existence in a fragmented society. So, Vladimir and Estragon’s circumstances are the result of that disintegrating world that...
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