Why teens commit suicide

Páginas: 2 (490 palabras) Publicado: 3 de abril de 2011
Why teens commit suicide
Suicide is a critic theme in which we have to know the causes that carry teens to autodestruct themselves. Teens during their adolescence undergo some difficult changesthat produce depression and anxiety. Others commit this act because of the breaking of a relationship or because the difficulties that they have to face in the daily life. They can also see thesuicide as the only solution to their personal problems. Additionally these teens can use it as a way to manipulate their family or as a call for help.
Suicide is an act where a person can try tokill themselves. Also the person can put herself into a dangerous activity which can also end by killing him. Other way that people can also kill themselves without knowing it is by ingesting drugs,alcohol, and tobacco. Every single suicide no matters which way the person choose to realize it, talks about an emotional crisis and perturbation in their lives. It also shows the insecurity that theteenager feels with herself or himself. This can also be a way of communicating to their parents that something is wrong with them.
Depression is one of the most common factors that cause suicide.This factor can be cause by external influences or an imbalance of the psychological responses. Some of the behaviors that we can see in a person with depression are the change of mood, in sleepinghabits, loss of appetite and long sadness. We can also see a feeling of guilt without any explanation. Other factors that work together with depression to cause suicide are the sexual abuse, violence,parents divorce, and the reject of other people.
In most suicide cases we can observe that the teens decided to make it because it is their “solution” to all their problems. Before realizing itthey try to look for help and to receive support from their friends and family and when they see that they have failed in their attempt to have some help they commit the suicide. Another thing that...
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