Would Rather

Páginas: 7 (1504 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2015

Se usa would rather cuando se quiere expresar lo que una persona preferìa hacer.

I would rather be swimming, que significa: preferiría estar nadando.

Prefer se utiliza cuando uno pregunta preferencias.
What would you prefer? , que significa Qué preferirías'

La primera forma, would rather, denota que uno quisiera estar en otro lugar haciendo otra cosa. La otra es una preguntasimplemente. También se usa prefer cuando es cosa de elección:
I prefer fish for dinner.

Pues no implica que deseas estar en otro lugar y haciendo otra cosa.

Would rather / Would prefer se usan para expresar preferencias concretas, usados de la siguiente forma:
1. Con este uso anterior, ambas expresiones o fórmulas pueden ser usadas indistintamente:
I went to the cinema yesterday. Today I would rather/ would prefer to go to the park.
2. Pueden contraerse de la siguiente forma:
´d rather
´d prefer
3. would rather va seguido del infinitivo sin más.
would prefer va seguido de to + infinitivo.

4. Usamos el pasado después de would rather cuando hablamos de las acciones de otras personas, aunque la acción a la que se refiera sea presente o futura.
I´d rather you went to the party after yourmeeting.

5. Para hacer comparaciones usamos would rather … than
I have to choose, but I am sure I´d rather read the book than watch the film.

6. Para comparaciones con would prefer, usamos would prefer… rather than.
I´d prefer to read the book rather than see the film.

Sin embargo, para expresar una preferencia general podemos usar prefer o would rather en inglés, y el significado es el mismo.Y dejamos would prefer sólo para preferencias concretas.

Después de prefer usamos la forma del verbo en ing. Y las comparaciones se hacen con to:
I prefer reading the book to watching the film.

Ingles: Would you prefer to go by train or car?
Español: ¿Preferirías ir en tren o en coche?

Ingles: I would prefer going by car.
Español: Preferiría ir en coche.

EXERSICEPrincipio del formulario

1. I would rather you didn't do the ironing. Clean my room first if you want.
2. I would rather she didn't watch TV so much. It isn't good for her.
3. I would prefer learning English to learning Spanish.
4. I would rather you didn't drink beer.You should drink milk.
5. I would prefer them not to clean my room.
6. Which country would you prefer to live in?
7. He would rathergo to church instead of going to the cinema.
8. I would prefer if Patrick didn't cry so often. I like silence.
9. I would prefer if it stopped raining. If the weather is nice I will go for a walk.
10. I would rather go home now.I have to do my homework.

1. He 'd like to go to Canada whereas his wife would prefer to go to Mexico.
2. Her husband would rather rent a house.
3. Mrs Martin wouldprefer to stay in a hotel.
4. My sister would like to have fun on Bondi Beach but I would prefer to go on a cruise.
5. My wife would like to rent a house in New York but I would rather camp in the desert.
6. My wife would like to visit a museum, but I would prefer to go to Ayers Rock.
7. I would rather become a scuba diver.
8. I would prefer not to become a computer programmer.
9. I would rather buythis cake because I prefer the taste.
10. I would rather not rent a house in the Outback.

Regla fácil:
En ingles estas palabras se utilizan para expresar una preferencia hacia una o más cosas.
En ingles prefer to do y prefer doing se utilizan para hablar de preferencias en general:
Estudia la diferencia entre estas estructuras:
I prefer (doing) something to (doing) somethingelse
I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else

Ingles: I prefer tea to milk.
Español: Prefiero el té a la leche.
Ingles: Tom prefers to fly an airplane rather than to drive a car.
Español: Tom prefiere volar un avión a conducir un coche.


Ingles: Would you prefer to go by train or car?
Español: ¿Preferirías ir en tren o en coche?
Ingles: I would prefer...
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