Yo no sé

Páginas: 8 (1848 palabras) Publicado: 11 de enero de 2011
Programa Clam per la Pau
Action Plan March 2009-2010

Vision, Mission, Objectives 1
Action Points
• Peace Advocacy 2
• Education and Capacity Building 3
• Network Building, Linkaging and Media 4
Needs 6
Volunteer Profile 7
Volunteer Job Descriptions 7
List of International Peace Networks and Organizations 7***
Themes under the program Clam Per la Pau include, but are not limited to, peace, human rights, conflict transformation, intercultural understanding, dialogue, religious tolerance.

*** we need our team to draft this vision-mission***
Vision: To shape a world within the framework of the culture of peace and human rights – where peace is both an aspiration and a means toward this aspiration.Mission: To transform society by promoting processes, dynamics and mechanisms of volunteering in peace and human rights advocacy – supporting volunteering as a tool for social transformation, in Catalonia and the rest of the world.

We hope to become a significant point of reference in making Catalonia an important figure in peace-building
…and strategically showing volunteering as animportant aspect of peace-building.


1. To educate society about the promotion of the culture of peace, human rights and solidarity, and to encourage active participation and creativity in these issues.
2. To further promote education for social transformation based on peace and human rights, both in the formal and non-formal aspects, in different levels (primary, secondary,tertiary) and involving different partners and stakeholders.
3. To facilitate the creation of activities and events that further promote these themes in Catalonia and beyond.
4. To coordinate the collection of existing materials about peace, human rights, volunteering, conflict resolution and transformation, etc, and explore different possibilities for their effective utilization anddissemination.
5. To bring together different stakeholders of society ( government, schools, youth, etc) in building a culture of peace.

Action Points:


|Key Result Areas |Expected Output/s |Activities |Time Frame |
|1.Establishing a strong base of the |Clam per la Pau in full working |Application for grants and funds for 1-2 years |March-April |
|program, structure and mechanism of its|capacity in terms of material, |Application for project funding in collaboration with| |
|core group |financial and human resources |other resources| |
| | |Look for other alternative funding resources (local | |
| | |and international) | |
|| |Have 2 more volunteers who will assist in the program| |
| | |(with clear cut tasks and job description) | |
| | ||March-April |
| | | | |
|2. Developing a central and organized |Clam per la Pau as a resource where |Collection of materials, books, games, manuals, etc, |April-July |
|base where useful resources are made |materials and other...
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