A Brief Look Into Music History

Páginas: 4 (806 palabras) Publicado: 7 de octubre de 2012
A brief look into music history.
Music is part of our lives. Everywhere we go we’re exposed to some kind of music or something related to it. Either we go to school on bus and we’re listening tosome of the classic reggeaton music it’s always playing; or we go in our cars and we’re playing some fine academic music like Johannes Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven orAntonio Vivaldi, just to mention the common ones. The history of music is long and adds a new chapter every day. We’re constantly hearing about new beats, new rhythm and new genres, in fact, even newinstruments. That’s why I decided to give you a quick look back into the beginnings of music.
Music has gone through many stages, going from prehistoric music to contemporary music. We’ll focus onlast four periods of music but we’ll take a brief look at the first stages. The prehistoric music is the first stage, the first music instrument is found here: the human voice. Prehistoric music orprimitive music, as is often called, was made through singing, humming, whistles and the sort. Then we have the biblical era, reference about the construction of instruments can be found in the bible, forexample Jubal is named as the inventor of musical instruments (It can be read in Gen. 4:21). We can also see some other known musicians in here such as Salomon, David and Samuel, just to mention some.The ancient era marks the end of the prehistoric era with the development of writing. Then we have the early music this is a reference to the classical tradition after the fall of the Roman Empire.This era includes Asian music, Persian music, Jewish music, Greek music and many others.
The medieval and renaissance music were the next stages but we’ll just mention that these periods went from500-1400 and 1400-1600 respectively. The next big step in music was the Baroque period, which ranged 1600 to 1760. Instrumental music became the main concern of this era and also saw the important...
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