Oraciones Con Can Could Able To ensayos y trabajos de investigación

Can/Could/May/Will/Would. Can/Could/Be Able To

Module 5 Can/could/may/will/would * We use Can I…?, Could I…?, May I..? to ask for, give and refuse permission. Can/Could/May I go to the party? Yes, you can/may No, you can’t/may not * We use Can I…?, Could I…?, May I..? to offer help and make request. Can/Could/May I help you? Can/Could/May I have some more cake? * We use Can/Could/Will/Would you…? to make polite request and ask for a favour. Could and Would are more polite. Can/Could/Will/Would you help me with my homework...

1113  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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can y could

'CAN' Y 'COULD'       Forma afirmativa e interrogativa   Forma negativa   Forma negativa contraida Presente   can   cannot   can't Pasado   could   could not   couldn't can Como puede verse, el verbo can solo tiene dos formas, una para el presente y otra para el pasado; para los tiempos de los que can carece puede usarse el verbo to be able (ser capaz, poder), que tiene conjugación completa: - They won't be able to play - No podrán jugar - I haven't been able to sell...

1133  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Be able to

BE ABLE TO Se utiliza cuando queremos decir que alguien es capaz de algo, que puede. Can y Could pueden ser reemplazados en ciertos casos por esta forma verbal. To be able to - ser capaz de, poder La expresión "to be able to" posee un significado similar a la de los modales "can" y "could", sin embargo no es un auxiliar modal dado que puede conjugarse en todos los tiempos verbales. To be able to + infinitive: (capacidad, aptitud) saber, poder, ser capaz de Can + base form: (capacidad, aptitud)...

556  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Verbo Could, Going To y

Verbo Could Definición El “Could”, es la forma pasada del verbo “Can”, y es utilizado como auxiliar para expresar una habilidad que se poseía en un tiempo anterior al que está transcurriendo, así como también para exponer una posibilidad pero de manera más indirecta que el “Can” y finalmente, es muy útil para pedir permiso u otras cosas pero de una manera mucho más formal y amable que en su forma presente, debido a que como se estudió en el apartado anterior, se trata de un verbo o auxiliar modal...

1199  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Uso de can could may y would

Uso de “can”, “could” y “would” en frases interrogativas para requerimientos formales e informales Podemos usar el modo imperativo para pedir a alguien que haga algo. Por ejemplo: Close the door.Cierre la puerta. Si queremos pedir con más cortesía que alguien haga algo, usamos las frases Can you…?, Could you…? y Would you…? Could you close the door?¿Podría usted cerrar la puerta? “Can”, “could” y “would” son verbos modales. En la siguiente tabla te muestro cómo se usan para hacer peticiones...

1153  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Transportacion Of Italian Product To Canada

has being in business since 1999, bringing high-end products to Canadian costumers, currently with four locations throughout Canada located in Fredericton, Toronto, Regina and Abbotsford. TS has decided to launch a new product, however there has been some uncertainty in selecting the suppliers that will be used. It’s required to for TS to distribute one container a week to each distribution center (DC) to meet demand. I have been selected to create a logistics plan, which will provide TS with a better...

1118  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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verbo "can"

EL VERBO "CAN" es un verbo modal que significa que algo es posible (posibilidad) o que alguien es capaz de hacer algo (habilidad). Este verbo se utiliza siempre acompañado de un verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En los verbos modales la tercera persona del singular no añade la "s" que incorporan los demás verbos en inglés. Can significa saber solo en el sentido de tener habilidad para hacer algo que se ha aprendido; en el sentido de tener conocimiento de algo se emplea el verbo to know. - We know you’re...

686  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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oraciones con el verbo to be

Construcción de oraciones afirmativas, interrogativas y negativas en presente simple con el verbo to be y con verbos diferentes a to be Como podrás ver, la oración gramatical en inglés tiene un sujeto, un verbo y un complemento. En razón de las reglas de construcción (gramática) consideramos dos clases de oraciones: las que tienen como verbo el verbo to be que significa ser o estar y las que tienen como verbo cualquier otro verbo diferente de to be. Ejemplos, 1a clase de oraciones (con el verbo to be)...

1072  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Oraciones en ingles con should,can, thougs althougs etc

TODAY IS SUNDAY MAY 7, 2010 “TOLERANCE Y HONOR” “SUGGESTIONS USING CAN” 1. Can you please let me eat? 2. Can you please cut my the hair? 3. Can you please give me a chance? 4. Can you please buy me a pencil? 5. Can you please read the book? 6. Can you please sweep the garden? 7. Can you please repair the car? 8. Can you please finish your lunch? 9. Can you please do the homework? 10. Can you please be quiet? “SUGGESTIONS USING SHOULD” 11. You should...

1338  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Be Able

Be able to Although we look at be able to here, it is not a modal verb. It is simply the verb be plus an adjective (able) followed by the infinitive. We look at be able to here because we sometimes use it instead of can and could. We use be able to: • to talk about ability Structure of Be able to The structure of be able to is: subject + be + able + infinitive | |subject |be |able |infinitive | | | |main verb |adjective...

1592  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Vincent Gómez Loaiza CURSO:802 J.M. PROFESORA: Elsa Ramirez Verbos Modales: CAN Dentro de los verbos modales comenzaremos estudiando uno de los más utilizados: el verbo CAN. Se trata de un término que indica habilidad, es decir la capacidad de realizar algo o también posibilidad, o sea que algo es posible que se concrete, por ejemplo: He can build a house. They can repair the car. It is expensive but I can buy it. You can dance better. Él puede construir una casa. Ellos pueden reparar el coche. Es...

564  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Should psychologist be able to prescribe psychotropic drugs?

medical attention they need. Often, they have to go to multiple professionals to obtain both medication and psychological therapy. This prolongs their condition and causes it to worsen. This unnecessary discomfort could be alleviated if psychologist could prescribe psychotropic drugs to their patients. As stated by Patrick DeLeon and Debra Dunivin in their article “The Tide Rises” (284-292) one of the reasons it has become necessary to enable psychologists to prescribe psychotic drugs is because of the...

1192  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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To what extent can we trust our senses?

essay is to determine whether we can trust our senses or if we cannot. Sense perception is based on a three fold processes: first our senses receptors are stimulated by sensory information; then our brain makes an interpretation of these stimuli, we interpretate the information; and finally we provide a meaning to the stimulation and react. Some of our ways of gaining knowledge are through sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. To accomplish this essay I will ascertain if it is correct to trust our...

1319  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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ingles, can, may y might

El Verbo "can" en Inglés Significado de can: "Can" significa "poder" en el sentido de "tener capacidad". The birds can fly Los pájaros pueden volar También se utiliza para pedir permiso. Para pedir permiso de manera informal se utiliza el present simple: can I help you? ¿Puedo ayudarte? Y para pedir permiso de manera más educada se usa el condicional (could): could I help you? ¿Podría ayudarle? Gramática del verbo "can" Can es uno de los verbos modales junto con may, must, etc. Esto...

1031  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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7 Questions Every Social Media Strategy Must Be Able To Answer

7 questions every social media strategy must be able to answer By Jesse Stanchak on July 28, 2011 | It’s easy to get distracted by trivial social media arguments. Social media experts spend a lot of time hashing out old fights about the best tools and tactics for the same reasons some people can spend hours looking at new faucets or cabinet doors. The less important something is, the more fun it is to kibitz about, because the responsibility that comes with being wrong is relatively minor. It...

1028  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Oraciones Con Will, Would Going To

be with her friends. She won’t be with her friends. Will she be with her friends? 6. Miguel will talk to him. Miguel won’t talk to him. Will Miguel talk to him? 7. Naya will fight with Sandy. Naya won’t fight with Sandy. Will Naya fight with Sandy? 8. Carlos will give flowers to his mother. Carlos won’t give flowers to his mother. Will Carlos give flowers to his mother? 9. The next Thursday will be release in the USA a new episode of Punk’d. The next won’t be release...

642  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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ingles verbo can

ingles Significado de can "Can" significa poder en el contexto de tener capacidad de: The birds can fly Los pajaros pueden volar También puede utilizarse para pedir permiso Para pedir permiso de manera informal se utiliza el tiempo verbal " present simple": can I help you? ¿Puedo ayudarte? y para pedir permiso de manera más educada el en condicional (could): could I help you? ¿Puedo ayudarle? Gramática del verbo "can" Can es uno de los verbos modales junto...

815  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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The little boy that could

Daniel Alvarenga English November 24,2009 12-A The Little Boy that Could       When I was a little boy, playing with toys was one of my favorite hobbies. I could play for almost the whole day without getting tired. Those were some of the greatest days of my life. It was very fun to play all day with my toys. One particular day though, I had an adventure that would be memorable and that I would remember for the rest of my life.       It all started a Friday in the afternoon. I was playing with my...

1421  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Verbo could

Verbo could: El verbo 'Could' Expresa poca probabilidad o condicionalidad. Significa: podría, pude, podía, pudiera de acuerdo con el contexto: I could dance if I could practice. I could - podría / pude / podía / pudiera  EJEMPLOS: You could be wrong. Podrías estar equivocado. They could manage without us. Ellos pudieron/podrían arreglárselas sin nosotros. I could help Ann if she only let me. Yo podría ayudar a Ann si tan solo me dejara I couldn't see very clearly. Yo no pude/podría ver muy claramente...

539  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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To kill a mockingbird

with the main themes of the story? The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but in fact it has a symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the “mockingbird” comes to represent the idea of innocence. During the whole book loads of characters can be identified as a mockingbird (Jem, Boo, Dill, etc), they are persons that have been injured through contact with evil. We are able to see this connection between the title and the story´s...

914  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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How to read a paper

How to Read a Paper S. Keshav David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, Canada keshav@uwaterloo.ca ABSTRACT Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. I also describe how to use this method to do a literature survey. Categories and Subject Descriptors: A.1 [Introductory...

1709  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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How Can Walmart

How can Wal‐Mart China improve sustainability in its distribution and retail operations (consider “reduce, reuse and recycle” as well as innovation)? On one hand, they have already improved sustainability in its distribution operations by buying directly to the farmers. Through this new way of distribution, they can control the standards of food and at the same time, Wal-Mart gets fresher fruits and vegetables. They also improve the farmer’s economy and cut costs. However, from our own view-point...

1001  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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How To Make A Movie?

art whose main purpose is to entertain all kinds of people. Since its beginning, making a film has never been easy, but as time passes and technology advances, a filmmaker can, with low resources and a great idea, create extraordinary productions that can only be visualized through cinematography. To make a successful movie, filmmakers must follow an organized procedure that includes a good story, great acting and interesting photography. The procedure to be followed to make a movie is not absolutely...

1528  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Get a permit to cross to united states

GET A PERMIT TO CROSS TO UNITED STATES. At the age of 18 I decided to move to the United States, I had always heard people say that the United States is a country with many opportunities. With this decision in mind, I decided to apply for a permit to visit the United States, to see if this might be a place I would one day like to reside in. I had no idea that this would begin an adventure, which would be filled with conflict and finally resolution. My mother and I began this adventure with our...

1302  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Empleo de verbos en una oracion

GRAMATICALES DE LOS VERBOS EN LAS ORACIONES 5 oraciones 11/10/2010 José Ivan Gómez Luis Juan Administración 5ºA turno vespertino N. lista 12 1º Oracion: Afirmativo The green car run in the big city The green car ran in the big city The green car is runing in the big city The green car has run in the big city The green car will run in the big city The green car is going run in the big city The green car should run in the big city The green car could run in the big city The green...

1159  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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condicional de may (might): might I help you? ¿Podría ayudarle? Gramática del verbo may May es un verbo modal junto con can, must, etc. Esto significa que usualmente van acompañados de otros verbos que completan el significado de la oración para completar su significado: You may be right Tú podrías estar en lo cierto Como se ve en el ejemplo el verbo que sigue a may lo hace en infinitivo sin to. Conjugación del verbo may La conjugación de may es muy especial solo se puede conjugar en 3 tiempos verbales: el...

1065  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Partes de la oracion

Nouns, is the name of a person, place, thing or idea are also names a specific person or specific place or object. Generally are capitalized. EXAMPLES: * My name is Alfredo Pacino * I am from Bolivia * I'd like to live in Europe PRONOUNS: Pronouns in English can be classified into personal (or nominal), accusative, indefinite, possessive, relative and reciprocal. Pronouns are words that indicate or substitute others that normally have already been appointed. PERSONAL PRONOUNS: I...

1132  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Oraciones afirmativas y negativas

Afirmativas Para hacer el presente simple se debe agregar una "s" al final del verbo de la tercera persona del singular. Al resto de las personas, no se le agrega nada. | |to eat |to talk |to play |to drink | | |'comer' |'hablar' |'jugar' |'beber' | |I |eat |talk |play |drink | |You |eat |talk |play |drink | |He/She/It |eats |talks |plays |drinks | |We ...

738  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Steps To Desing A Logo

7 Steps to designing a Project (logo) One of the most important aspects of advertising your company is the company logo that you use. The main purpose of a company logo is to communicate to the viewer what your company is about and what do you deal with.   Step 1: The Brief Once your client has decided to offer you work, the next step is to sit down with your client and collect all the initial requirements of the company. It is very important to gather proper information regarding the client’s...

715  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Oraciones En Ingles

council. * My brother is a brave person because he overcame the pain and recovered the time he was assaulted. * William Walace fought bravely for his freedom before he was captured and executed. * My cousin still doesn’t have the confidence to try singing in a band, even knowing that he has a great voice. * I am confident that teacher Aldo will aid me passing the cycle if I make a lot of class participation points. * I know I will give a great speech in the concert because I will...

510  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Summary To Big To Fail

SUMMARY TOO BIG TO FAIL The movie TOO BIG TO FAIL tells of the beginning of the crisis in 2008 first of all this crisis in the United States occurred because Wall Street began to raise mortgage-backed loans, while parts of these packages sold thus achieving who earned a lot of money. Therefore began pressuring lenders banks saying they needed more mortgages. In turn, the banks had granted loans to people who have a very good credit history and that is why they decided to lower their requirements...

901  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Oraciones En Ingles

I saw a movie yesterday. She washed her car. I went to the supermarket. Shauna studied Japanese for five years. They sat at the beach all day. They did not stay at the party the entire time. He didn't drive your car. He didn't play the piano. I didn't travel to Japan. I didn't read the books about history. Did he go to the market yesterday? Did Anna write him a letter expresiones de tiempo What are you doing today?  I go to the theater this afternoon with my mother When does the...

652  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Humor: a tool to learn

Humor: a tool to learn Humor tends to be used in leisure and hobby situations: at home, with friends, etc. Youth and childhood laugh more times than adults do. So, laughter is a convenient and enjoyable dynamic day by day. Children and students are in the habit of using humor in the playground or even in class, but in this one, the intention is to laugh at someone, call the attention or drive teacher to distraction. Nevertheless, talking about the use of humor to teach and to help students...

972  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Challenges to nation-state

CHALLENGES TO NATION-STATE Before entering to run the specific thesis of each writer, I find it accurate to identify the area in which they can all be situated for us get into a logic sequence. In that matter, both Koopmans and Mann get into a particular discussion of the matters of multiculturalism. Indeed, they seem to acknowledge and admit the complexity of the subject. They don’t pretend to take out importance of controversial sides such as the social and the economic implications within...

1005  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Uso del verbo to be

EL USO DEL VERBO TO BE ( SER O ESTAR) PRESENTE SIMPLE AUX. I – AM YOU, WE, THEY – ARE HE, SHE, IT – IS Nos ayuda a afirmar, preguntar y negar, ejemplo: You are, Are you?, You are not (aren´t) (tu eres, eres tu?, tu no eres) He is, Is he?, He isn´t. (El es, es el?, el no es) PASADO SIMPLE I – WAS YOU, WE, THEY – WERE HE, SHE, IT – WAS Nos ayuda a afirmar, preguntar y negar, ejemplo: We were, Were we?, We weren´t. Nosotros estuvimos, estuvimos nosotros?, nosotros no estuvimos. FUTURO – Se usa en...

1411  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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30 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

Final del formulario 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you. As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  Nothing could be closer to the truth.  But before you can begin this process of transformation you have to stop doing the things that have been holding you back. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Stop spending...

1699  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Modals, Ejemplos De Oraciones

Sentences: 1. I can love you more than this. I use the modal can in this sentence, because it’s something that i do, it’s the truth and more than ability is a thing that usually me and every one do. 2. You should eat fruits and vegetables. I use the modal should in this sentence, because I’m giving a recommendation, I mean in this case you have two options, so you can do it, or you can´t do it, it’s an internal recommendation because you are involved in that situation. 3. He must be...

552  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Inversion To Express Emphasis

INVERSION TO EXPRESS EMPHASIS Certain expressions with negative or restrictive meaning can be put at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis. This happens mainly in written English or in a very formal style of speaking, such as a public speech. Notice that the order of the subject and the verb is reversed. Inversion can also take place with certain conditional sentences. Compare the following sentences: ADV + VB AUX + SUJ + VB + COMPL "Never had I been asked to accept a...

513  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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How to do a bicycle generator

converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. A generator forces electric charge to flow through an external electrical circuit. The source of mechanical energy may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, waterwheel, an internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, compressed air or any other source of mechanical energy. The bicycle generator consists on a wheel of a bicycle with magnets attached to it, which would create a magnetic field powerful enough to power a cell phone’s battery...

657  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Can - Cannot - Can't English Grammar Notes Can is a modal verb. Can is used to express ability or to say that something is possible. Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the third person (like other verbs) The verb that comes after Can is in the infinitive without to:     I can speak Spanish. (= it is possible for me to speak Spanish = I have the ability to speak Spanish) He can swim well. We can see my neighbour in the garden. They can play the guitar. Negative To form...

1090  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Hdr How To

EN | FI HDR How to ­ Photographing  14.02.2008 Category: Photography Tutorials HDR How to This is a detailed guide about taking  photos for an HDR image. Practice has  shown that successful and smooth HDR  photography takes careful planning and  sets certain requirements for the gear. Second Picture is devoted to  original tutorials about 3D  graphics, Photoshop,  Picture 1. HDR image is formed by merging several exposures. Photography and Web Design. HDR How to Part 1: Photography Gear ...

1276  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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A Letter To The Editor

delighted to read that the Sudanese-born model, Alek Wek, not only look beautiful on the outside, but also in the inside she owns a sense of affection. Since she's been a model, you could at first sight fancy her having prima donna behaviour, but after a glance at the article, she's an exception from the stereotype. I found the story about her childhood in Sudan in the article ''Hunger Diary'' which was published in The Daily Beast the 28th November, as truly touching. Now I pay homage to her efforts...

754  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Can The Fiscal Cliff Be Avoided?

Can the fiscal cliff be avoided? Recently the media has been here the term of “fiscal cliff”, a term that seems like catastrophic for several economists, specially to the North American people. So what is so special about this so called “Fiscal cliff”? The truth is that the United States of America is still recovering from the 2009 financial crisis, but the rate of debt has been increasing reaching almost the size of their Gross Domestic Product. Now that there is a clear sight that the level...

763  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Why and what to study

WHY AND WHAT TO STUDY BY * López Bautista Liliana * Pulido de la Cruz Silvia * Mares González Ma del Rosario * Martínez Peraltan Alejandro * Bueno Salgado Luis Gerardo ADVISORY TEACHER: JOSE DOLORES LISEA WHY AND WHAT TO STUDY Although it seems funny, most times we think it is better to miss out flattened streets, at parties or just at home, until we Offer find a "good job"… ...

1315  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Legend of Canadá Long ago, when the world was young, I had the buffalo hump. He got his hump a summer for his cruelty to the birds. Liked the buffalo prairie run for pleasure. The fox ran past him and small animals warned that his boss, the buffalo came. One day when the buffalo ran through the meadows, he headed home to small birds that nest on the ground. Birds advised to Buffalo and foxes that were in the direction where they had their nests. But nobody not foxes or buffalo, they listened...

1556  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Verbo TO BE

Verbo TO BE – Ser o Estar El verbo TO BE, que en castellano se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma inglés goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oración. Por ejemplo: I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser) I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar) En el siguiente cuadro se puede observar su declinación en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple: Tanto en el modo afirmativo como en la forma negativa pueden utilizarse...

678  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Plase To Live

PLASE TO LIVE |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |cottage(s) |detached house(s) |semi-detached house(s) |bungalow(s) |terraced house(s) | |  |[pic] | |[pic] |  | |  |block of flats |  |high-rise...

900  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Techniques to learn french

Different Techniques to Learn French The majority of people, who learn French for the first time, have many problems facing the variety of verb conjugations it has. Also when the classroom conditions are not the appropriate, learning this language can be difficult and stressful. Even though students learn French with the techniques that teachers use at the university, there are some different techniques like watching movies, having a pen pal and playing games on line which can help in the learning...

687  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Canada after 9/11 The events of September 11th, 2001 undoubtedly represented a turning-point in history, transforming the landscape of global security, none more than borders and immigration. In terms of the flow of people and related security issues at their common border, the United States and Canada share common interests and commitments. In the wake of the terrible events, North America, both Canada and the United States, have revisited their immigration policies. The first signs of increased...

570  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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How philosophy relates to politics

How philosophy relates to politics Aristotle, Political Theory (Polis, government and eudemonia) “Of all the things worthy of admire in the world, there is nothing more admirable than the man.”ˡ This was the Greek feeling about how people should be organized to get all of them the happiness that they as human deserved. That is why Greek thinkers, specifically Aristotle started to ideate a concept that could help to get their objective of happiness. The concept they created was the polis, in...

817  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Hard Way To Success

A Hard Way To success Doing something you love without any support can become really difficult. Jenny started loving sports since a very young age. As a kid she used to watch ESPN, Sports Center but it wasn’t until a summer that she was invited to play in her cousins’ softball team in Texas that Jenny realized her love for sports. When she got back from that summer trip right away she told her parents she wanted to join a softball team so they searched and searched but there were no softball...

702  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Six Degrees Could Change The World - Guide

Date: Guide: Six degrees could change the world After watching the documentary, read and choose the best answer: 1. Since the beginning of the 20th century the Earth’s average temperature has already increased by 0.8°C and is expected to continue so up to 6°C in… a) Over two millions years b) In less than 100 years from now c) In the following centuries 2. Natural...

581  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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How does language contribute to intelligence?

How does language contribute to intelligence? I once saw a cartoon showing two hippopotami basking in a swamp, and one was saying to the other: "Funny--I keep thinking it's Tuesday!" Surely no hippopotamus could ever think the thought that it's Tuesday. But on the other hand, if a hippopotamus could say that it was thinking any thought, it could probably think the thought that it was Tuesday. What varieties of thought require language? What varieties of thought (if any) are possible without language...

592  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Events from a walk to remember

situations which are difficult to accept, but to continue with our life we need to learn how to deal with them. Sometimes, one of our family members or someone we love gets sick from a very complicated disease, this is something that hurts us, because we want that person to be fine and we want to make him/her feel better, but unfortunately, we aren’t able to do anything to cure them. In this cases, all what we can do is accept the situation, so that we can help that person to overcome his/her sickness...

681  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Verbo can y may

El verbo 'can' es usado para expresar o preguntar acerca de posibilidad, como en * You can do it. (Puedes hacerlo) * English is not too hard. You can learn it. (El inglés no es muy difícil. Tú puedes aprenderlo) * Can you take me to the school? (¿Puedes llevarme a la escuela?) En el último apartado, ‘can’ es usado como auxiliar para preguntar acerca de la posibilidad que tiene alguien de hacer algo. Sin embargo, en ocasiones es preferible usar otros verbos modales, sobre todo cuando...

1136  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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How To Make A Lemon Battery

of electrons and that there are several types of energy such as mechanical, heat, solar etc, we can say that we will need to apply the action in our project by using chemical energy and the action is the chemical reaction. Electricity by chemical reaction needs a connector that converts chemical energy into electricity; in this case the driver is the lemon. All batteries have an electrolyte which could be liquid solid or paste (lemon juice,) a positive electrode (negative wire, positive wire). The...

766  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Learning spanish: a key to success

1 (ENC 1101) 12 November 2010 Learning Spanish: A key to Success In our society, many skills are often taken for granted. We do not appreciate our abilities enough to know how valuable they can be. Having the capability to perform CPR can eventually save a life someday; knowing how to deliver a baby could bring joy to a mother’s face; and knowing how to speak Spanish will benefit people throughout their lifetime. Learning Spanish can help individuals acquire better pay, be an aid for people...

741  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Resumen de a walk to remember

popular but rebellious Landon Carter (Shane West) is threatened with expulsion. His punishment is mandatory participation in various after-school activities, such as the drama club, where he is forced to interact with quiet, kind and bookish Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), a girl he has known for many years but to whom he has rarely ever spoken. Their differing social statures leave them worlds apart, despite their close physical proximity. When Landon has trouble learning his lines he asks Jamie for help...

779  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Introduction to abnormal psychology

among others, can also study it; what is abnormal psychology when it was born and how the intuition plays a big part in this science. It is mentioned that the scientist who use the scientific method are not agree with how the abnormal psychology works (hunches). They say it’s difficult to them to drop valid conclusions. The text seen on this part of the chapter helps us to understand a little bit more what is psychology and abnormal psychology and how they work, separately and linked to each other...

836  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Canada Canada is a country that is situated in the north western hemisphere, and is the world’s second largest country. It shares all its land borders with the United States, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic Ocean. Before being founded as one of Britain’s colonies, Canada was inhabited by thousands of First Nation people. There are several Aboriginal (or First Nation) tribes in Canada, three of which are recognized in Canada’s constitution. These three groups are Indians (now...

1486  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas