Parrafos Con The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences Y Closing Sentence ensayos y trabajos de investigación


Synthesis of Sentences Synthesis of Sentences is the opposite of transformation of sentences and means combination of a number of simple sentences into one new sentence. That new sentence might be either simple sentence or a compound sentence or a complex sentence. The following are the chief ways of combining two or more Simple Sentences into one Simple Sentence. 1. By using a Participle: • He jumped up. He ran away. • Jumping up, he ran away. • He was tired of play. He sat down to rest...

613  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Sentence connectors

Sentence Connectors - Showing Addition |Type of Connector |Connector(s) |Examples | |Coordinating Conjunction |and |High level positions are stressful at times, and can be | | | |harmful to your health. | |Conjunctive adverbs |in addition, additionally, furthermore...

536  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Sentence Simple

The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true or normal. We use the present tense: 1. For repeated or regular actions in the present time period. I take the train to the office. The train to Berlin leaves every hour. John sleeps eight hours every night during the week. 2. For facts. The President of The USA lives in The White House. A dog has four legs. We come from Switzerland. 3. For habits. I get up early every day. Carol...

1300  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Cleft sentences

CLEFT SENTENCES Cleft sentences are used to help us focus on a particular part of the sentence and to emphasise what we want to say by introducing it or building up to it with a kind of relative clause. Because there are two parts to the sentence it is called cleft (from the verb cleave) which means divided into two. Cleft sentences are particularly useful in writing where we cannot use intonation for purposes of focus or emphasis, but they are also frequently used in speech. Cleft structures...

784  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Conditional Sentences

Universidad Nacional Experimental De los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora UNELLEZ Write sentences using. Docente: Bachiller: Heabher Lee Johandry Osorio CI: 26.075.386 Sociologia 04/21th/2015 WRITE SENTENCES USING Es capaz de leer y escribir frases empleando estructuras básicas. Escribir oraciones sencillas usando palabras clave expuestas y usadas comúnmente en el salón de clases, son capaces de leer pero no de escribir, o son capaces de leer...

725  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Conditional sentences

Types of conditional sentences. Write 3 sentences for each type of conditional: - ZERO: If you don’t use a jacket while is raining, you get wet. If I’m late for classes, the teacher gets angry. If you don’t drink water, you get thirsty. -ONE:If I have time, I'll visit my grandparents this afternoon. If we don't hurry, we'll miss the bus. If you drink too much, you'll get drunk. - TWO:If I were him, I would go and see a doctor. If I studied, I would pass the exams. ...

666  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Conditional Sentences

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Cuando deseas hablar acerca de una "posible" situación y sus resultados, debes utilizar una oración condicional. Observa estos ejemplos: If people invite you to a party, they expect you to come properly dressed. (Si te invitan a una fiesta, se espera que vayas correctamente vestido/a) If I wear the green jacket, it'll go with my new shoes. (Si uso la chaqueta verde, ésta hará juego con mis zapatos nuevos) En este tipo de oraciones condicionales existe una posibilidad...

554  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Conditional sentences

|Conditional 0 is formed by the use of the present simple in the if | | |happens. |clause followed by a comma + the present simple in the result clause.| | | | | | |If I am late, my father takes me to school. |You can also put the result clause first...

718  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences The structure of most conditionals is very simple. There are two basic possibilities. Of course, we add many words and can use various tenses, but the basic structure is usually like this: IF | condition | result | IF | y = 10 | 2y = 20 | or like this: result | IF | condition | 2y = 20 | IF | y = 10 | First Conditional: real possibility We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this...

1324  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Conditional sentences type 1

Conditional Sentences There are two kinds of conditional sentences: real and unreal. Real Conditional describes real-life situations. Unreal Conditional describes unreal, imaginary situations. Although the various conditional forms might seem quite abstract at first, they are actually some of the most useful structures in English and are commonly included in daily conversations. |CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ...

1361  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Types of sentences (inglés)

Types of Sentences Simple 1 Independant Clause Run-on: *I like my dog, I like play basketball Compound 2 Independent Clauses joined by FANBOYS Run-on: *I Love Megan Fox, but I would never get her. Complex 1 Independant Sentence - Noun Clause - Adjective Clause - Adverb Clause 2 Subordinate 1. - Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1850 and died almost 70 years later. (Compound) Subject = Noun Clause 2. - Whatever he wrote gave him a lot of success...

639  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Conditional Sentences

derivada de la condición expresada en la proposición subordinada. 2. Una proposición subordinada. Expresa una condición, que en caso de cumplirse, tendrá como consecuencia la acción o situación planteada en la proposición principal. EX. If I win the lottery, I will buy a new car PROP. SUBORD PROP. PRINCIPAL (Condición) (Consecuencia) Si gano la lotería, me compraré un coche nuevo ...

941  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Word Order In Sentences

Sentence Structure 1. The SUBJECT is the person or thing that the sentence is about. This is followed by a VERB group. S + V The girl screamed The VERB tells you what the subject is doing, or describes the subject´s situation. 2. The VERB GROUP may be followed by another noun group, which is called the OBJECT. S + V + O He opened the car door The object is the person or thing affected by the action or situation. 3. AFTER link verbs like BE, BECOME, FEEL and SEEM, the verb...

794  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Passive Sentences Analysis

construction of Passive Voice The structure of Passive voice is : Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle Procedure of passive contruction Sentences experiment different changes when they are turned from active to passive voice: 1. the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence 2. the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle) 3. the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped) We must note...

1410  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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What Are Sentences

What are Sentences? According to the Merrian-Webster Dictionary, a sentence is: “a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins with a capital letter and concludes with appropriate end punctuation, and that in speaking is distinguished by characteristic patterns of stress, pitch, and pauses.” There are many different...

933  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Full Of Sentence

Correct incorrect 1) The child need food 1A) The child needs food 2)They is good students. 2A) They are good students 3)The boys sings 3A) The boys sing 4) They does like chocolate 4A)They do like chocolate 5)He do likes mountain biking 5A)He does like mountain biking The verb must be changed according to the number of people or things it is talking about. 6)The boy is taking newspaper yesterday 6A) the boy was taking nawspaper yesterday 7)He is on the phone with him mom last...

705  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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100 Sentences With The Word People

HOMEWORK. 1. Those people were chosen by the entire town in the local elections. 2. Only five hundred people are allowed to participated to the conference 3. Old people are always telling storIES about their experiences to their grandsons. 4. Many people have been needing help in the commentary center. 5. People have been trained for an emergency 6. People were taught how to build a wooden bed. 7. Most of the university people have been received in an especial...

1048  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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When should I confirm the flight?  Is it a direct flight?  Is there a stopover?  When does the plane arrive?  When does the plane leave?  Do I have to change planes?  How long before the flight must I check in?  To the airport, please  Which gate must I go to?  What is my flight number?  Is the plane delayed?  Look at the timetable  Do you have your boarding pass?  Where is my baggage?  Where is my seat?  Fasten your belts please  The plane is taking off  The plane is landing  I have nothing to declare  ...

2649  Palabras | 11  Páginas

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Sentence Correction

Voice (better)  Spending all day at the library was my little sister  My little sister spent all day at the libraryThe student was hit by the teacher  The teacher hit the student Passive voice is not incorrect. In fact, some answers on the GMAT will be passive voice. But if you have a choice between active voice and passive voice, then the GMAT prefers the active voice. There was animosity towards the US, which contributed to the attacks of September 11, along with no solid...

6520  Palabras | 27  Páginas

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Como Hacer Un Parrafo

Parts of a Paragraph 1.- Topic Sentence What is the topic sentence? The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. What does it do? It introduces the main idea of the paragraph. How do I write one? Summarize the main idea of your paragraph. Indicate to the reader what your paragraph will be about. Example: There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system...

1687  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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The Benefits Of Honey

THE BENEFITS OF HONEY Honey is far better than what most people perceive. This natural product has some very big potential benefits for health in addition to its often-desired flavor; honey also offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, beauty and skin care, and amazing healing properties as a head-to-toe remedy, from eye conjunctivitis to athlete foot. Its powerful healing attributes have long been used thousands of years ago and are known to...

1130  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Conditional sentences, type i, type ii

That since 2010. The parents of the singer separation when he was only 3 years old, has an older sister, Sally, lived near a soccer clud there comes the taste of this sport. A mid 90's, I think a solo career, with "Angels", a ballad, a song that gave him his first success. His first album was Life Through A Lens. His next album, I've Been Expecting You, released in October 1998 with the song "No Regrets", dedicated to his former colleagues from Take That. In 1999 launched The Ego Has Landed. In...

575  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Cuando deseas hablar acerca de una "posible" situación y sus resultados, debes utilizar una oración condicional. Observa estos ejemplos: If people invite you to a party, they expect you to come properly dressed. (Si te invitan a una fiesta, se espera que vayas correctamente vestido/a) If I wear the green jacket, it'll go with my new shoes. (Si uso la chaqueta verde, ésta hará juego con mis zapatos nuevos) En este tipo de oraciones condicionales existe una posibilidad real...

1990  Palabras | 8  Páginas

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Vary sentence structure

Vary sentence structure Sentence structure is very important to make a good impression when we write and to make interesting our written expressions. When we write we need to compose different kinds of sentences in order to make paragraphs lively. If we write too many short sentences or all the sentences begin with the same words, the writing becomes monotonous. A word can make a lot of difference in a sentence, and the order that you use to put the words, also. There are many ways to...

1802  Palabras | 8  Páginas

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Represent every sentence with a drawing, traslate into spanish. look at the example

utterly false & grievously mischievous— You have deserted—after a start in that tram-road of all solid physical truth—the the true method of induction—& started up a machinery as wild I think as Bishop Wilkin’s locomotive that was to sail with us to the Moon. Many of your wide conclusions are based upon assumptions which can neither be proved nor disproved. Why then express them in the language & arrangements of philosophical induction?.— Sobre lo de la locomotora del Obispo Wilkins, Sedgwick se...

518  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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ENSAYO. MODOS ANORMALES DE TERMINACIÓN DEL PROCESO. (LA AUTOCOMPOSICION PROCESAL) (La transacción, el convenimiento, el desistimiento y la conciliación.) La misión de un tribunal y de quien en ellos laboramos es garantizar la vigencia del Estado Democrático y Social de Derecho y de Justicia basado en un sistema de normas jurídicas que permitan una convivencia ordenada, al tiempo que genere las condiciones necesarias para proteger los derechos, la seguridad personal y los bienes de cada uno de los...

1344  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Spelling bee definitions and sentences...

------------------------------------------------- Spelling Bee Definitions and Sentences 1) DAMAGE: To harm something physically so that it is broken or spoiled or injured. There was a lot of damage to the car after the accident. 2) GENTILE: Concerning religions and cultures that are not Jewish The Rabbi considered my faith to be gentile. 3) PALACE: A very large building, especially one used for the home of the royal family, president or important religious leader. The palace where the Queen lives is called Buckingham palace...

6132  Palabras | 25  Páginas

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Forma del parrafo

Paragraph Form:Mains Point of a Paragraph:                                                                   1) Topic Sentence.                                                               2) supporting Sentence.                                                              3) Concluding Sentence. Paragraph Form in Academic writing, there is a special form for paragraph.  (Margin, skip lines, title in center, due date) Rules for correct paragraph form for handwritter paragraphs: 1) Paper2) Ink3)...

726  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Derecho A La Vida Sentenca Ficha

Santiago Ospitia Javier Gongora Ficha de Análisis Jurisprudencial Corte Constitucional Aspectos Generales Magistrado Ponente Dr. Jorge Arango Mejia Demandante Hernan Dario Vergara Mesa y Victor Manuel Serna Medina Demandado Articulos: 90, 91, y 93 Del Codigo Civil Número de Radicado D-973 Fecha de la Decisión 7 de Diciembre de mil novecientos noventa y cinco (1995) Tema (S) (Derechos Constitucionales que concentran la atención de la Corte) Derecho a la vida, reconocimiento de la personalidad...

1045  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Mixed english exescises (present simple vs. present continuous; sentence order; simple reading comprehension)

When do we use which tense? Cross out the incorrect option. 1. For actions happening regularly, often or never, we use Simple Present Present Continuous 2. For actions happening now, we use Simple Present Present Continuous 3. The verbs “be”, “like” and “want” are normally used in Simple Present Present Continuous 4. The word “usually” indicates that we have to use Simple Present Present Continuous 5. Which tense do we have to...

1164  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Sentence t-025

de un tratamiento especial por parte del Estado”29. En ese mismo orden de ideas, ha indicado la Corte “la necesidad de inclinar la agenda política del Estado a la solución del desplazamiento interno y el deber de darle prioridad sobre muchos otros tópicos de la agenda pública”30, dada la incidencia determinante que, por sus dimensiones y sus consecuencias psicológicas, políticas y socioeconómicas, ejercerá este fenómeno sobre la vida nacional. Entre los derechos constitucionales fundamentales que resultan...

59461  Palabras | 238  Páginas

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El parrafo

PárrafoDe Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search A paragraph is a unit of speech in written text that expresses an idea or an argument, or reproduce the words of one speaker. Consists of a set of sentences that have some thematic unity or, without one, are set together. A component of the text in its appearance begins with a capital letter and ends in a paragraph. Includes several related sentences on the same sub, one of which expresses the main idea. Contents [hide]...

774  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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The use of blakboard in the acquisition of english

“FINAL ESSAY OF THE USE OF THE BLACKBOARD IN THE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH” THE USE OF THE BLACKBOARD IN THE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH Introduction I. Using the board as a tool for teaching and learning a. New vocabulary in practice 1. Receiving spoken instructions for the activity 2. Illustrating the activity II. Constructing sentences using the new vocabulary a. Students using the board b. The L2 acquisition in the classroom III. Pronunciation a. English...

1680  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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The Use Of Hypothesis

Lengua Inglesa III The use of hypothesis, topic sentences and linking devices in the essay writing Danilo Novoa Soto Miss Patricia Díaz Aguilar The use of hypothesis, topic sentences and linking devices in the essay writing When writing essays we found that there are many kinds of structures as well as many kinds of ways of writing. One of them is the hypothesis but before all, we should know what a hypothesis is:...

1077  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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The Enemy

Claudia E. Maldonado Acosta 513570 English VI Group 3 Miss. Blanca Rosales The Enemy: Activities September, 29 2012 Activities Before Reading 1. Read the story introduction on the first page of the book, and the back cover. How much do you know now about the story? Who * Malcolm Jaggard is a government agent? * Malcolm Jaggard wants to marry Penny Ashton? * George Ashton has disappeared? * Penny and George Ashton are scientists? * Penny’s sister...

1735  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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“The importance to learn english”

Today it is essential to learn the English language. Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development. Practically it can be argued that it is the language of the world. It is, in the era of globalization, the great international language that has affected all non-Anglo-Saxon countries, including Spain, affecting more or less directly to the various fields and professions. It is even said that anyone who is not fluent in that language would be at a clear disadvantage:...

1718  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Oraciones Topicas y Parrafos

Oraciones Tópicas (OT) Conceptos (núcleo temático) - Libro: La mayoría de las personas ignoran que la Biblia es un libro que contiene historia verídica del mundo antiguo. -Biblioteca: Aunque en la sociedad dominicana, las bibliotecas no son de uso común entre las personas, existen sociedades donde las bibliotecas son el centro. -Música: Estudios han demostrado que la música es un arma poderosa que persuade al subconsciente humano. -Lectura: Lamentablemente, hoy en día se hace...

1141  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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The Present Perfect

THE PRESENT PERFECT FORM [has/have + past participle] Examples: • You have seen that movie many times. • Have you seen that movie many times? • You have not seen that movie many times. USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived...

1060  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Describing the english language

Describing the English Language A. Language in Use The language we speak or write is governed by a number of rules, styles and constraints. We use many different ways to communicate depending on the situation or media. For example: SMS, letters, Chat, email etc. Pronunciation and intonation are also taken into account. B. What we want to say The words we use and what they actually mean in the context we use them are not the same thing at all. There is no one-to-one correspondence, in other...

1480  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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The story of a hung man

essay ”An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” page 135 The Story of a Hung Man In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Ambrose Bierce describes a story of a prisoner that was ready to be executed. This story occurred in the war between secessionists and federalists. Peyton Farquhar was a planter and a slave owner from the south. He was a civilian and a fanatic of the Southern cause, so he tried to destroy a bridge that was in power of the Federal army, and for that he was captured. In this story...

1050  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Parrafo comparativo de fútbol y baloncesto

Assignment One (20 pts.) Please read the chapter first and observe the examples. You should prepare five separate clusters and five topic sentences for each cluster.  Use the techniques you have learned to make a cluster and a topic sentence for the following general topics: 1. A person Cluster: 2. This university Cluster: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico Inter-American University of Puerto Rico is a private, with deep Christian roots. This has served as a cultural...

733  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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The Natural Approach

that requires a lot of dedication and comprehension. The paper reviews the Natural Approach as a reaction to method used to teach and learn a second language which consisted in repeating words and translating texts. Developed by Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen in 1977, this method is based on several hypothesis about teaching and learning of a second language, that help student to assimilate grammatical rules in a more natural manner in the communicative process. Key words: second language...

631  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Eutanasia en mexico

Topic: Euthanasia should be permitted in Mexico. For or Against? : We are in favored of Euthanasia’s legality in Mexico. Arguments: *It will reduce the suffering of many patients. *Everybody has the right of an unpainfull death. *They are laws and rules for its use. *People can make a “living will”. *It has to be control by certificated hospitals & doctors. *People think that Euthanasia may be use inappropriately. (AGAINST) Thesis Statement: Even though people think Euthanasia may...

616  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Health and the body

SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHER´S NAME: PROJECT´S NAME: HEALTH AND THE BODY DESCRIPTION: GIVING ADVICE AND MAKING SUGGESTIONS AROUND THE TOPIC OF HEALTH TIME: (50 min. each) Unit: TWO Grade and Group:2° A - B COMPETENCES TO DEVELOP  Act according to instructions; treat a certain illness/discomfort: obtaining and giving advice and suggesting solutions.  Use knowledge to make predictions about the texts and illustrations, and anticipate information required.  Identify...

890  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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PARAGRAPH WRITING.- Sentences and paragraphs.- -For a new idea connected to the previous one, start a new sentence. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jiang and I grew up in Hong Kong… -For a major change in idea or topic, start a new paragraph. My interests include sports and travel… Is this a paragraph? My sister is nice. My dad is my friend. My mom goes to the gym every day. What about this one? My family is...

823  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Touching the void

English Tutoring Topic: Summary of the book: Touching the void Name: Andrea Natasha Ugarte Guijarro 2012 - 2013 TUTORIAL PROJECT NAME: Andrea Natasha Ugarte Guijarro Level: 8 BOOK : Touching the Void SUMMARY This book is about the true history of two climbers passed in the feat. Their names are Joe Simpsons and his friend Simon. The story begins when they want to climb the west face of a mountain called Siula Grande, It is in Peru. Nobody had climbed before. They...

1528  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Languages of the world

LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD Considering that there are billions of people in the world, the number of mutually unintelligible language is rather small – between 3000 and 8000-. Despite the seemingly large number of languages spoken in the world today, three fourth of the world population speak but thirteen languages. Of the 400.000.000 English speakers, 280.000.000 speak English as a first language and another 120.000.000 speak it as a second language. LANGUAGE UNIVERSALS: Philosophers and...

822  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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The influence of information in geopolitis

Synthesis | [The impact of social media in geopolitics ] | How the social media is giving the individuals power to contrite our future | The impact of social media in Geopolitics In the past there was never much information outside like today, the power of the media ever has been that strong and never so powerful to battle for the users. This topic attracts the attention of the writer, as how the information flow is playing a crucial part in the construction of the new world where we...

1730  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Advisability And Obligation In The Past

DEFINITION Might/could/should/ought to + have are grammatical constructions used to: Indicate obligation or advisability in the past. It is to say somerhing that someone should have done but he or she didn't, or something that somebody didn't and was a worse decision than that one which has been suggested by other person in the present. The meaning of this form (modal+have in the past) can also be interpreted and used in these ways: • For talking about something somebody was capable of doing but...

1173  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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1. Identify the types of writing page 4 and 5 2. What is a rubric? A rubric is the piece of information than contains the composition instructions which will help you decide what you will write about. 3. What do the key words and phrases indicate? They identify the imaginary situation, the imaginary reader, type of writing and the specific topics. 4. Read the article and identify the situation, the reader, the type of writing and the specific topics...

1623  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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mis conocimientos

sistemático. Temáticas que se revisarán: Reconocimiento de las unidades 1 a la 7. Gramática Verb to be, a/an, demonstratives, Present simple, frequency adverbs, invitations and suggestions. Vocabulario Professions, nationalities, days of the week. Conectores Addition AND- contrast BUT Estrategia de aprendizaje propuesta: Construir un texto corto que dé cuenta de un trabajo elaborado con el acompañamiento del e–mediador y los e–estudiantes. A través de este ejercicio, el e–estudiante...

1078  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Parrafos De Illustracion

CHAPTER The Writer’s World Paragraphs and Essays, 2/e © 2009 Lynne Gaetz & Suneeti Phadke ISBN 10: 0205628451 ISBN-13: 9780205628452 Visit to contact your local Pearson representative. Chapter begins on next page >> SAMPLE CHAPTER The pages of this Sample Chapter may have slight variations in final published form. Illustration CHAPTER “ 4 A wisely chosen illustration is essential to fasten the truth upon the ordinary...

3481  Palabras | 14  Páginas

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The birds

AGUILAR & JUAN SEBASTIÁN CASAS THE BIRDS * LITERATURE AND YOUR LIFE Reader’s response: Did you find the story exciting and suspenseful? Why or why not? A: It was suspenseful because it was a mystery the birds’ attacks. Thematic focus: Name at least 2 suspenseful situations from nature that you had either seen or heard about. A: The earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, the hurricane Katrina in the United States, the floods in the south of the Atlántico. Question for research:...

611  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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The Moonstone

Vocabulary 1. Match the adjectives in I to a suitable noun in II. I II 1. lavish a. family 2. wealthy b. time 3. controversial c. success 4. instant d. hotel 5. marvellous e. issue 2. Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in italics. 1. He introduced me to his fiancée before / after they got married. 2. I caught a cold. I need some warm clothes / medicine. 3. I hope he is willing to punish / help me. 4. Sherry takes pride in...

1123  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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El extranjero vs the guest

¨ El Extranjero ¨ vs. The Guest We are going to see the similarities that are between both books (¨El Extranjero & The Guest) written by Albert Camus. The first thing we can see is the ¨existentialism ¨ that always manage Albert Camus in their writings. In another hand we can see the concept of the absurd that also the author manages on his plays. Albert Camus uses very much all the historical events that are passing on the time the play was written. In conclusion we are going to analyze...

663  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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The Solar System

| THE SOLAR SYSTEM | | | | | Verónica Gómez Rodríguez Grupo 5 Profesora: Nora Kaplan | THE SOLAR SYSTEM TIMING: 60 minutes. Morning meeting: 15 minutes. Literacy development: 20 minutes. Unit development: 20 minutes. Plenary: 5 minutes. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to understand the position and relationship between the Sun, Earth and the others planets. MATERIALS: Flashcards, computer, reading text and worksheets...

592  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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tipos de texto

implique mayor respeto, se usará el “usted”. Párrafo Es una unidad superior, en él se dividen los textos y se especifica por el punto aparte, pues cada párrafo acaba cuando estamos en presencia de ese signo de puntuación. El párrafo contiene una idea y esta idea será la central, no pudiendo existir dos principales en un mismo párrafo, pero sí coexistiendo algunas secundarias para reforzar a la fundamental. Podemos reconocer la idea central de un párrafo, si hacemos las siguientes preguntas: TEMA:...

948  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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How to write a five paragraph essay

Paragraph Essay Essays come in various forms, as do subjects, professors, writing styles, and graders. In order to make the best of a writing assignment, there are a few rules that can always be followed in order to find success. While you can never know exactly what a teacher will like, as long as you have proven a point, you will write a successful essay. The beauty of writing is that the power is in your hands. There is not always a "right" or "wrong" answer. You simply have to select an argument and...

1114  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Love is the reason-prologue

summer's day; the apple trees moved lazily with the wind, the sky was a clear and thrilling blue- but suddenly, a scream shattered the peace and quiet, and that scream came from a little girl who had been riding her toy broomstick, but it lay forgotten in the ground. She was holding a letter in her hand, and her pretty face was flushed with excitement, and her violet eyes were exploding with curiosity- her dark-brown wavy hair floating softly in the wind. A woman came out of the beautiful gray...

847  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas