Wata Wara ensayos y trabajos de investigación


WATER” Seventh Form 2012 This Project will be done by the investigation of the students. I will help them with the items they must investigate. Discuss in the class. • Types of water • Importance of waterWater properties • Experiments • Movement of waterWater cycle Find out about some legends Myths about water. Focus on Literature ...

926  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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potable water: Spring water is groundwater that rises to the ground surface. Springs are often used as sources for bottled waters.[14] Tap water, delivered by domestic water systems in developed nations, refers to water piped to homes and delivered to a tap or spigot. For these water sources to be consumed safely they must receive adequate treatment and meet drinking water regulation. The most efficient way to transport and deliver potable water is through pipes. Pollution of water: Water pollution...

575  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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 WATER Deepa Mehta (Director) Este largometraje de drama trata de una tradición de la india, donde las niñas son vendidas por sus padres por razones económicas a hombres mayores para casarse y al quedar viudas son llevadas a una casa donde sufren, no se pueden volver a casar excepto con el hermano menor del fallecido y además de todo esto las prostituyen. En pleno siglo XXI podemos seguir hablando de DISCRIMINACION HACIA LA MUJER que sería una de las tantas relaciones de la película con la...

698  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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WATER Personajes Chuyia : niña que observa como su viejo esposo muere poco después de la ceremonia y por tanto es enviada a un ashram, se revela contra la hostilidad que le ha sido impuesta. Narayan: joven adinerado seguidor de Gandhi Kalyani: la cual es el sustento de la comunidad gracias a su trabajo sexual fuera del mismo por esto se le permite una vida algo diferente y conserva una espléndida cabellera Shakuntala: lucha contra su fe, y es a través de su conciencia, que le lleva a sacar...

641  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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WATER Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O. Each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom. The existence of water is essential for life on Earth. Water has three different states, liquid, solid and gas. The word water usually refers to water in its liquid state. The solid state of water is known as ice while the gas state of water is known as steam or water vapor. Water covers around 70% of the...

774  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Wat Wat

| Beautiful Red Wedding Dresses | Your Shoelace is Untied? | Incredible Comic Book Girls | Classbook for Falling in Love | Funny Pictures | Nice Space Photos | Remarkable Images of Horoscope Signs | Weird Engineering Solutions | Can I get some water? | Top 15 Female Comic Book Villainesses | Is It Well Understood Jesus’ Message? | | | | | You Don’t Like Overweight Girls? Think Again! | Most Beautiful Part of Women | Naughty World of Warcraft Wallpapers | I Wish I Was a Bike Seat | ...

1511  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Angkor wat

Angkor Wat Angkor Wat (Khmer: អង្គរវត្ត) is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia, built for the king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation – first Hindu, dedicated to the god Vishnu, then Buddhist. It is the world's largest religious building.[1] The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has...

569  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Water conflicts

be fought over water” can be justified. Illustrate your answer with specific examples from your research. Fresh water is a limited resource; it can be found in several parts of our ecosystem, the fauna, flora and agriculture. World population growth, climate change and pollution are factors contributing to a rapid decrease in the amount of water. Water also is in the economy of a country, because it helps to improve or deteriorate the sanitation of a nation. From last century, water scarcity had been...

1714  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Water resource

Water resources Wars One of the most pressing issues of the next millennium will be the management of the limited freshwater resources in the world. The natural availability of water has decreased as a result of many different factors but the principal cause is the global warming. Because of this many people are already experiencing water shortage and the problem now is that water scarcity leads to disputes between states, often resulting in violence. It shows us that in our near...

1096  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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This Is War

This is war "Current estimates indicate that we will not have enough water to feed ourselves in 25 years time, by when the current food crisis may turn into a perpetual crisis." quote from IWMI director general Colin Chartres. In our future, the world will suffer a global crisis due to lack of food, water and natural resources. Throughout human history, wars and countless social conflicts have arisen from populations who were facing the shortage of these resources. Nowadays people do not take...

636  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Bottled water

bottled water in emerging countries. Basically because it is cheaper to buy this product rather than repair the actual network system of distribution. As a consequence of its concentration, the entrance barriers are very high, mostly due because of the great investment in advertising and the elevate cost of operating a source. Also, for the reason of the good position the brands have in the market about the consumers mind. There are 3 types of bottled water: * Natural mineral water (2/3 of...

807  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Water pollutions

The causes of water pollution | 1 | | | | | Sewage and Wastewater Domestic households, industrial and agricultural practices produce wastewater that can cause pollution of many lakes and rivers. | | | * Sewage is the term used for wastewater that often contains faeces, urine and laundry waste. * There are billions of people on Earth, so treating sewage is a big priority. * Sewage disposal is a major problem in developing countries as many people in these areas don’t have...

1224  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Ares, God Of War

Ares - God of War [pic] Ares was the Olympian god of war, bloodlust, and manslaughter personified. He was the only son Zeus and Hera had together, though they did not care much for their child. He was also the brother of Hebe and Hephaestus. Ares was a bloodthirsty, war-hungry man who never thought of any consequences for his actions. Ares is depicted as a good-looking man with a beard, except for some movie appearances where he looks like a vigorous, young man. His throne in the...

874  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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World war ii

World War II World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945, it was a period of time of military conflict in which most of Europeans countries were involved and so many others too, it was a consequence of the series of problems that left de post war of World War I. it was divided into two groups know as the Allies and the Axis. *What was world* War 2? World War 2 is when the armies of their country do their best to save their country and the people. But eventually there has been some betrayer...

697  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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water stick

Alkaline/Hidrogen water stick Alcalino/Hidrogeno Water stick Ca Fe K Mg Na l Natura ineral M Agua También conocido como el palo de agua dieta! Incluso puede ayudar a perder peso Cuando usted bebe can dades suficientes! Natural Agua Alcalina Ion pH8.6 Alkaline/Hidrogen water stick Material de relleno: Turmalina, maifanshi, piedra de infrarrojo lejano, Potencial nano plata, Iones de calcio. El palo alcalino cambia su forma de beber. Agua en agua alcalina! Simplemente...

720  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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trabajo se pretende dar a entender que el Hotel, ''Water Discus '' ubicado en Dubaí, puede tener ciertas características favorables para una buena estancia, tomando en cuenta todo lo investigado respecto a ubicación, categoría, servicios que este ofrece, etc. No obstante puede influir el lado contra que pudiese tener por ser un hotel de gran lujo, en lo referente a lo económico. ANTECEDENTES HISTÓRICOS DEL ''HOTEL WATER DISCUS'' ''HOTEL WATER DISCUS'' Ubicación: Dubai, Golfo de Dubai, Mina Debel...

1262  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Water jet

WATER JET Este sistema se caracteriza por realizar los cortes industriales en frío, debido a lo cual no modifica las estructuras internas de los materiales. Es un corte por agua, limpio y ecológico, no contamina al medio ambiente con emisiones de gases ni productos químicos. El principio del corte es sumamente sencillo pero requiere de altísima tecnología: el agua sola o con abrasivo (garnet ) es forzada a pasar, mediante una bomba de gran potencia por un minúsculo orificio. De este orificio sale...

524  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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producción y comercialización de agua vitaminizada, caracterizada por la calidad de sus productos con gran valor nutricional, basada en la satisfacción al cliente y en la responsabilidad ecológica-ambiental. 1.1) Descripción del producto •  V-Water company plantea el desarrollo del proyecto agua vitaminizada funcional •  A base de Frutas y plantas 100% naturales originarias del Ecuador. •  La gama se compone de las siguientes •  4 variedades. •  Boost, Relax, Fire-Fly, Slim. 1.2) Detalle...

1047  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Recycling water

of treated domestic wastewater, identifying a continuous manner, issues of greater attention and importance to the success criteria for its implementation, in homes built and/or in building design, which are in locations close to or away from the water supply and a power source. * INTRODUCTION: Due to the crisis caused by ecological and economic problems, Mexican society is forced to live in an environment no suitable. That is why our process is designed to treat the liquid that is used...

1645  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Water pollution

Water pollution Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies for example lakes,rivers,oceans and groundwater. Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to...

1132  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Water Pollution

water po the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). Water pollution occurs whenpollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution is a major global problem which requires ongoing evaluation and revision of water resource policy at all levels (international down to individual aquifers and wells). It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths...

762  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Water Use

The task to keep track of personal water use for two days was quite interesting. I had a general idea of the tasks that would require water, but keeping track of them individually reminded me of how prone we can become to simply use water because of its availability. I decided to measure my water usage on a weekend because I tend to use weekends to accomplish certain cleaning chores. It was quite surprising to find my personal water usage was above the American average of 100 gallons daily, with...

1163  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Water Pollution

A) Water pollution occurs due to the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. It affects not only individual species but also populations and ecosystems. It is caused by the addition of dirty and harmful substances that are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. We should support those environmental organizations which are concerned about worldwide issues, such as water pollution, not only backing them but also undertaking their project...

867  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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WATER CYCLE EL CICLO DEL AGUA WHAT IS THE WATER CYCLE? The hydrological cycle or water cycle is the process of circulation of water between the different parts of the hydrosphere. This is a biogeochemical cycle in which there is an intervention of chemical reactions, and water flows from one place to another or change of fitness. ¿CUÁL ES EL CICLO DEL AGUA? El ciclo hidrológico o el agua es el proceso de circulación de agua entre las diferentes partes de la hidrosfera. Este es un ciclo biogeoquímico...

627  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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The peninsular war

What lead to the Peninsular War, and how did it happen? A peninsula (from the Latin words "paenīnsula", "paene-": almost + "īnsula": island) is a piece of land almost surrounded by water but connected to the mainland. The Iberian Peninsula is what we know today as Spain and Portugal, so here, the Peninsular War refers to a war involving these two countries. This was part of the Napoleonic Wars. But why did the Iberian Peninsula get involved in the Napoleonic Wars, and how did it all end...

886  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Civil war

The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy") to fight for independence. Twenty (mostly Northern) free states in which slavery already had been abolished, and five slave states that became known as the "border states" supported the federal government. These twenty-five states, referred to as the Union, had a much larger...

1056  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Water Clip

Water Clip Integrantes: Nicolás Santander R. 24 de Noviembre 2010 Introducción En este trabajo explicaremos y detallaremos un producto innovador y creado por nosotros. Se trata de un elemento llamado Water clip el cual tiene como principal función juntar a presión mediante un tipo clip como muestra la imagen. Este unirá la puerta con el fierro firme de la estructura ejerciendo presión a través de un pasador...

690  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Water seco

WATER SECO. COMPOSTAGE INSITU. Interesante para casas rurales sin conexión con el alcantarillado público. COMPOSTADO HECES. La heces humanas son un buen abono para las plantas una vez se ha realizado el compost mínimo de un año, con aporte de serrín, con buen control de la humedad y corriente de aire constante. Las heces contienen bacterias que produce el cuerpo humano para posibilitar la digestión, posibles agentes patógenos de enfermedades de la persona que defeca, y gusanos que se producen...

860  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Monmouth War

------------------------------------------------- Revolutionary war leader story ------------------------------------------------- Benedict Arnold is known as being one of the more infamous generals in American history. Benedict Arnold started out a general for the colonists, and after earning future fist American president George Washington’s Respect betrayed the colonists and turned against the Patriots. He was a brilliant war general, leading American troops to victory in several battles, before...

823  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Drug war

In recent years the drug war has been one of the main concerns and high priority issues of the nation’s homeland security. The implementation of new security strategies and technology exposes the reality of this problem that if not address, will have catastrophic consequences. The drug war is the combination of the inefficiency of the countries involved and the drug consumption increase in the American market. These actions have profited multimillionaire dividends to drug cartels causing ambition...

672  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Civil War

Civil War (en español Guerra Civil) es una historieta en forma de crossover ficcional, escrita por el guionista Mark Millar y dibujadapor Steve McNiven. Fue publicado originalmente en los Estados Unidos en 2006 por la editorial Marvel Comics. El crossover se desarrollada por siete álbumes siendo complementada con los distintos arcos argumentales de otras publicaciones habituales de Marvel (exceptuando las líneas Ultimate Marvel y MAX) como algunas que fueron creadas durante el transcurso del crossover...

1284  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Lack water

Culture Lack water in Mexico and the United States The study, led by a scientist from NASA and the University of California, Los Angeles, investigates the interaction between the snowmelt in the basin of the river and the desert dust settles on it. According to their findings, the spring thaw occurs now three weeks earlier than 150 years ago, when there was no settlement in the city that disturb the soil. As a result, the proportion of annual thaw, on average, more than 5% lower than then...

1086  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Worl war

World war one was a military conflict that started on 1914 and finished on 1918. It was known as ¨The great war¨ and the second deadliest conflict in history before the Second World War. In this war it were two alliances, one was Britain, France, and Russia and another one was Germany, Austro- Hungary and Italy. They were fighting between them. This historical moment was caused because of 5 main reasons militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, assassination. The assassination on 28...

560  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Water scarcity

Luis Suárez 1212573 Water Scarcity, Tomorrow’s Problem Science Essay Luis Suárez NOVIEMBRE 2010 Water Scarcity, Tomorrow’s Problem INTRODUCTION Water scarcity currently affects many regions of the world. Without a significant reversal of economic and social trends, it will become more acute over time. Although water is considered a renewable resource, in many parts of the world, water resources have become so...

1352  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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pelicula water

Agua (Water) Dirigida por Deepa Mehta En esta película podremos observarla diferencia de cultura y costumbres que hay en este lugar donde ser fimo (india), se pude observar la discriminación hacia las mujeres viudas, puesto que al momento que se casan se convierte en la mitad del hombre. Por lo tanto, si él muere, se considera que la mitad de la esposa ha muerto. Los libros sagrados dicen que una viuda tiene tres opciones: Casarse con el hermano más joven de su marido, arder con su marido o...

783  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Water Essay

llevados a cabo en distintos países y las muchas reclamaciones y demandas interpuestas por asociaciones de consumidores a las compañías productoras de agua embotellada. Aquí te mostramos algunos ejemplos: ● Peter Gleich asegura en su estudio “The Word Water” realizado por el ​ Pacific Institute de California que las canalizaciones de las plantas embotelladoras están peor vigiladas que las canalizaciones públicas, mostrando además una gran preocupación porque las presiones internacionales para que todos...

908  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Vietnam War

VIETNAM WAR OR VIETNAM CONFLICT (1 November 1955 – 30 April 1975) The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. This war followed the First Indochina War and was fought between North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-communist countries. BACKGROUND Before the World War 2 Vietnam had been a French...

664  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Korean War

Why was MacArthur dismissed by Truman? 10: What’s your personal evaluation of this crisis? 1. Korea was annexed by the Japanese Empire until the end of World War II. It was a peaceful occupation. There was forced labor, forced prostitution. They tried to eradicate the Korean language. 2. The victors of the Second World War were the U.S.A and USSR, who occupied South Korea (USA) and North (USSR). Divided by the Parallel 38°.  Who led North Korea was Kim Li Sung, a dictator and Syngnan Rhee was...

545  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Vietnam war

Vietnam War  The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, from 1 November 1955 to the 30 April 1975. This war was fought between North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States of America and other anti-communist countries The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese...

1243  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Cold War

(Why did war time friends becomes cold war enemies) From the beginning it was anticipated the future confrontation between capitalism and communism, main leaders of the political ideologies United States and Soviet Union will tried to attract different countries to its sides to try to spread out either communism or capitalism some future day. There were two main political ideologies which could not subsist together; there were two totally different ideas of how to manage a country meaning that...

1261  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Cold War

IRON CURTAIN, KHRUSHCHEV, JFK, CUBA, AND COLD WAR First of all, we have got to go back, and we have to investigate about why Europe began to stay divided after the World War II, because is one of the most important events that still continue to affect to our current Europe. The causes that led to the Cold War was that the Soviet Union wanted to spread communist ideology worldwide, which alarmed the Americans, who in turn hated the political system, secondly, the acquisition of nuclear weapons...

1017  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Civil War

Civil war  "what we've got here is failure to communicate. some men you just can't reach... so, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! well, he gets it! n' i don't like it any more than you men." * (whistle) Look at your young men fighting look at your women crying look at your young men dying the way they've always done before Look at the hate we're breeding look at the fear we're feeding look at the lives we're leading the way we've always done before ...

523  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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war room

“The War Room” Análisis comunicacional del video. 1. Hacer un breve resumen del documental. “El cuarto de guerra” o también llamado “La sala de estrategias” es una película documental estadounidense del año 1993, sobre la campaña de Bill Clinton para Presidente de los Estados Unidos durante las elecciones presidenciales de 1992. En el documental observamos el proceso electivo por el que pasan los tres candidatos más sobresalientes: Bill Clinton, Jorge Bush, Ross Perot. La película sigue a Stephanopoulos...

1167  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Civil war

Five Characters in Divisive Land Abraham Lincoln * For much of the Civil War, President Lincoln juggled conflicting pressures and politicians on the issue of slavery. Constitutional obligations were important to him, and he hoped that putting an end to the expansion of the institution of slavery would in the end cause its demise in the South. Lincoln's opposition to slavery was constrained by the Constitution but his interpretation of his constitutional responsibilities also allowed him to...

546  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Water Road

ejemplo la ONU solo el 2.5% del agua total del planeta es dulce y va disminuyendo y aunque parece una pequeña porción el agua disponible para beber lo es aun mas el producto WATER ROAD solucionara eso de forma individual para especifico esperamos que en los próximos 20 años 3 de cada 10 personas en el planeta posea un WATER ROAD. El producto se basa en un conjunto de tecnologías: Purificación de agua: SODIS SORAS TiO2 Estas tres primeras técnicas son las mas usadas para purificar agua y es la primera...

929  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Korean war

Korean war The war began on 25june 1950 and an armistice was signe don 27 july 1953 the war was a result of the physical división of korea by an agreement of the victorious allies at the conclusion of the pacific war the end of world war II The Korean peninsula was ruled by japan from 1910 until the end of world war II following the surrender of japan in 1945 american administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th parallel with united states troops occupying the southern part and soviet...

796  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Reform War

Law, named after Miguel Lerdo de Tejada came out. Under this new law, the government began to confiscate Church land. Opposition to the Lerdo Law and the 1857 Constitution culminated in a take over of Mexico City by Conservative forces. Reform war: 1850s 1855- The Juárez Law, named after Benito Juárez, restricted clerical privileges, specifically the authority of Church courts, by subordinating their authority to civil law. December 22, 1860 conservatives were defeated at Oaxaca and...

1074  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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War photographer

 “War Photographer” se trata de una película documental suiza de Christian Frei publicada en 2002. Fue nominado en ese mismo año al Óscar al mejor documental largo. Este documental relata la historia de James Nachtwey, un fotógrafo de guerra estadounidense que cubrió las noticias de guerra desde principios de los años 80. En él, se visualiza tanto su talento y valentía en la profesión como los diversos conflictos y terribles situaciones vividas en esa época. A lo largo del reportaje se...

654  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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War Horse

HOLA A TODOS AQUÍ LES TENGO UNA BIOGRAFIA: War Horse War Horse (titulada en español Caballo de batalla en España y Caballo de guerra en Latinoamérica) es una película británico-estadounidense estrenada en 2011, dirigida por Steven Spielberg y protagonizada por Jeremy Irvine, David Thewlis y Benedict Cumberbatch. Co-escrita por Richard Curtis y Lee Hall, la película se basa en una novela juvenil del mismo título escrita por el británico Michael Morpurgo publicada en 1982. La acción transcurre...

1453  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Chocolate war

Why would a person decide to betray the beliefs they had fought so hard for? In Robert Cormiers novel The Chocolate War, the character of Jerry Renault changes drastically from a rebel to a follower in the end. The school gang known as the vigils and his moral beliefs motivates Jerry’s actions. He feels he must take a stand against evil. Jerry can be considered a hero because of his beliefs. In the end however he gives in to the things he fought against and becomes a follower. There are many...

519  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Vietnam War

VIETNAM WAR! In the 1090 USA starts to go to Vietnam by troops, means and women were sending to the airplanes. Almost 2, 5 people die at the both sides. In 1860, France began its domination of the area and had, by the late 19th century, implemented its colonization in a number of regions around the Gulf of Tonkin. During WWII, the Japanese government took control of much of the area and set up a puppet regime that was eventually forced out by the Vietnamese at the end of that war in 1945. ...

925  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Cold War

The Cold War 1945-1991 - Roosvelt se va a morir antes de que termine la guerra y lo va a remplazar el vicepresidente que seria muy diferente a lo que roosvelt quería llevar el estado hacia otro punto. Los poderes mas grandes después de la WW2 van a ser US y URSS Yalda- stalin, rooslvet y cahlvil (uk) fue la primera conferencia después de la WW2 (súper bien Rusia promete lo de las elecciones*, US decía que cualquier cosa que Russia le pedía el lo haría porque de esta manera los soviets le...

550  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Waro Kishi

HISTORIA Y CONTEMPORANEIDAD DE LA EDAD MODERNA WARO KISHI A través del tiempo la arquitectura ha jugado un papel muy importante en la representación de los poderes políticos, en su monumentalidad, en su símbolo representado en un espacio y un contexto geográfico determinado por unas comunidades ansiosas de cuidar su propiedad y legitimar un territorio con su cultura, tradición y reglamentos acordes a su origen. El tiempo lleva envuelto dentro de su manto un tejido de acontecimientos...

698  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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War Photographer

 Taller Observacional: War Photographer Fotografía: imagen de la diversidad humana y sus problemáticas sociales Integrantes: Carla Baeza Claudia Brevis Valeria Huentelemo Felipe Cartes 27 de mayo de 2015 1.- Observación de las formas: -Niños -Hombres -Mutilación -Mujeres -Desnutrición -Tren -Líneas ferroviarias -Destrucción -Piedras -Encapuchados -Desastre -Llanto -Muerte -Cadáveres -Guerra -Armas -Desnudos -Fotografía -Humo -Amarillo 2.-Levantamiento de conceptos: -Dolor ...

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Pasty war

The Pastry War was the first conflict between Mexico and France, its was from April 16th in 1838 to March 9 in 1839. The first decades of Mexico's independent history, were of anarchy and disorder in the economic, political and demographic. Domestic instability was reflected in all spheres of society, particularly in border migration and smuggling were common by the lack of supervision. Because of this and many problems, Mexico was in the sights of foreign countries willing to intervene when they...

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war dogs

War Dogs: Los perros en la guerra tienen un largo historial de partida en los tiempos antiguos. Sus usos han sido variados "perros de la guerra" entrenados en combate a su uso como exploradores, centinelas y seguidores y algunos seguirán existiendo en el uso militar moderna. El perro doméstico - Canis lupus familiaris - tiene sólo un vago parecido a su antecesor el lobo gris. Todo comienza con el esqueleto canino, cuya evolución ha dado forma para correr y saltar. Las patas traseras son rígidas...

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Toys war

ESTRATEGIA DE NEGOCIOS CASO TOYS WAR Integrantes: Colett Aravena Andrea Fournier Karina González Francisca Oppliger Consuelo Ortega Docente: Georg Spee Gaona Fecha: 15 Junio 2010 RESUMEN EJECUTIVO * Industrias Crako: Empresa familiar * Fabrica juguetes de niños * Gerente de Ventas: Mike Teal * Fueron importantes clientes de Daner Asociados (Cía de Publicidad) * Resistencia inicial a juguetes bélicos * Aceptación de la empresa familiar...

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War crimes

Organizaciones Internacionales y negociaciones políticas. “Snow Donald. 2003. Cases in International Relations. New York: Longman “War Crimes: The Past in the Present In the Future. 57-76” Donald M. Snow es profesor de ciencias políticas en la Universidad de Alabama. Antes, fue profesor visitante de ciencia política en el Colegio militar del departamento de seguridad y estrategia nacional, como “ Secretary of the Navy Senior Research Fellow” , como profesor de visita del colegio de staff de...

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War Horse

Trabajo de la Película WAR HORSE Resumen de la Película: La película se situa en Inglaterra antes de la 1ª Guerra Mundial, en una familia campesina(Narracot) en la que el padre va al mercado de caballo a comprar uno para arar el campo. Alli el padre ve a un caballo alto y robusto, pero que no le iba a servir para arar el campo, aun asi lo compra por 30 Guineas porque piensa que le será útil en el futuro. Cuando lo lleva a casa su mujer le reprocha que ese caballo no sirve para su fin, y si en...

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Flow: love for water

Flow: Love for water The documentary is about how the world is suffering every time for the water that is essential to live, the water is more and more contaminated by garbage or altered by chemists that are used to clean the water . more than 2 million persons die every year for illnesses related to water, the majority children. the documentary mentions that there are wars for petroleum and if this continuous like that also there will be wars for the water. The United States every year persons...

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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas