Acc 561Wk5

Páginas: 4 (909 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2012
To: Alfonso Rodríguez, President of iRepair
From: Maridalys Hernández
CC: Rafael Marrero – ACC561
Date: 8/23/2012

After making awell deep on the type of business you want to perform, you need to consider what are the accounting laws that apply to your business mobile repair service. And in addition is to explain what are thedocuments required for your own business or DBA (Doing Business As) and the steps to achieve the same.
Although some vary by type of business, most businesses need the same documents themselves. Theseare: Register as a trader in the Treasury division of IVU. This can be done online or in person by visiting the office in Sector Bechara Kennedy Ave. Register as a merchant in the Development and ExportCompany. You must have Use Permit Use Permit you need whether you rent a room for your business or working from home. Small and medium businesses are SMEs eight centers available through the Island:Mayaguez, Ceiba, Carolina, Bayamón, Caguas, Arecibo, San Juan and Ponce. By-SME Centers, you as merchants and / or future entrepreneurs can handle in one place the endorsements of the Fire Departmentof Puerto Rico, the Department of Health and request permission for commercial use granted by ARPE. Moreover, in each of the Centers for SME staff is to provide customers guidance and assistanceprograms and economic incentives to establish or expand a business in Puerto Rico, as well as to expand into international markets. Municipal Patent-Once you have your permission to use, you must go to themunicipality where you established your business to request the municipal license.
Many municipalities also Use Permit, they ask you to take the last return filed in Personal Finance negativecertification Treasury debt and CRIM. My recommendation, before going to the municipality to seek patent before the phone call, ask the patent division and asked what documents you should bring with you...
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