
Páginas: 20 (4900 palabras) Publicado: 31 de marzo de 2014
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

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Rosalía Vázquez, Georgina Alvarez, Juan Manuel Mancilla
Consistencia interna y estructura factorial del Cuestionario de Influencia de los Modelos Estéticos Corporales
(CIMEC), en población mexicana
Salud Mental, vol. 23, núm. 6, diciembre, 2000, pp. 18-24,
Instituto Nacional dePsiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz
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Salud Mental,
ISSN (Printed Version): 0185-3325
Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la
Fuente Muñiz

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Non-Profit Academic Project, developedunder the Open Acces Initiative

Consistencia interna y estructura factorial
del Cuestionario de Influencia
de los Modelos Estéticos Corporales
(CIMEC), en población mexicana
Rosalía Vázquez*
Georgina Alvarez*
Juan Manuel Mancilla*

Sociocultural models generally supply a relevant theoretical
support for explaining the high levels existing in most countries,
of body imageand of the increase of eating disorders among
women. These patterns hold that the present beauty standard
stresses out outstandingly the convenience of slimness.
Despite the importance of the cultural aspect in the
development and maintenance of body image disruptions,
empirical research is limited due to the lack of a tool designed
to evaluate such influence.
The Questionnaire ofSociocultural Influences on the
Aesthetic Body Shape Model (21) was designed in an attempt
to measure the influence of the agents and situations that
transmit the actual aesthetic model. The validation was carried
out in 118 young Spanish women: 59 anorectics and 59 normal, matched by age and social class. The questionnaire
showed satisfactory internal consistency and appropriate
sensitivity andspecificity as a sound instrument for screening
due to its relation whith nervous anorexia and sociocultural
This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the
CIMEC scale in Mexican population. This questionnaire was
applied to a 1001 female students, 14 to 33 years old, from
both private and public high schools and undergraduate
The alpha validity coefficient was0.94 which confirms that
the CIMEC questionnaire has satisfactory internal consistency.
Six factors were extracted after a factorial analysis and varimax
rotation. These were clustered into four groups explaining
45.3% of the total variance, after a verifying analysis.
Factor 1 is significantly loaded (a 5 0.92), containing
fourteen items that can be identified as Advertising Influence.Factor 2 contains ten items that show anxiety in situations
that question the body itself, and was called Distress because
of Body Image and Behaviors for Weight Reduction (a 5 0.86).
Factor 3 contains six questions related to the Influence of
Social Models (a 5 0.75). Finally, Factor 4 contains five items
regarding the Influence of Social Relations (a 5 0.63).
The CIMEC proved to be usefulfor researchers interested
in further investigation of the sociocultural influence on the
* Proyecto de Investigación en Nutrición, División de Investigación, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Campus Iztacala.
Av. de Los Barrios s/n, Los Reyes Iztacala, Tlalnepantla, estado de
México, 54090, México. Fax: 53-90-59-00. Correos electrónicos: y/
Primera versión: 16 de agosto de 1999
Segunda versión: 12 de enero de 2000
Tercera versión: 15 de agosto de 2000
Aceptado: 13 de octubre de 2000

aesthetic body shape model in Mexico. Nevertheless it is still
necessary to check out its predictive validity in patients with
eating disorders, and in normal population.
Key words: Eating disorders, sociocultural assessment,
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