
Páginas: 2 (464 palabras) Publicado: 24 de julio de 2012
Colegio tecnico francisco de paula

Kathleen melissa murillo valencia



Taller 1

1.haga 15 ejem con verbo to be con su respectivo dibujo.solucion

1.he is lawyer

2.she is model

3.we are playing basketball

4.I am psychology student

5.You are enginer

6.she is selling dolls
se vende muñecos del chavo7.he is a mechanic

8.they are watching a movie in the cinema

9.i am teacher

10.he is doctor

2.escribe 12 ejem d e expreciones there are there is .


1. there are somepencil
2.there is a park
3.there is a t.v
4.there is a house
5.there are many ants
6.there is a clock
7.there are sweater
8.there is a socks
9. there are girls and boys
10.there is a cat under the table
11. there are bread in the basket
12.there is a bag
3.haga 15 ejem de simple present

1.he takes a shower every day
2.i do thehomeworks with my father.
3. she runs in the park every weeki
4.they play with dolls in the house
5. we cook hot dog with my friends. iron the clothes
7.she swims in the pool
8. he runsthrough the neighborhood
9. it dolls hinder
10.t hey make bags
11. I sleep in a hotel buildings constructed
13.we assemble a business
14. He loves his de cat
15. she drinksstrawberry juice

4.haz 10 ejem de las siguientes expreciones an ,a y the


1 a house
2. a child
3. a chair
4. a dog
5. a cat
6. a chicken
7. a mouse8. a computer
9. a bed
10.a cellular

Siguiente expresion an

1. a European

2. a useful book

3. a university

4. an American Italian

6. anIrishman

7. an actor

8. an engineer.

9. an egg hour

Siguiente exprecion the

1. I like the classical music
2.the red house is big
3.your car is...
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