
Páginas: 2 (415 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2013

Forty is a card game very popular Ecuadorian and accurately reflects part of our culture.+
It uses the standard deck of poker cards, removing cards with values ​​of eight, nine and ten.These are commonly called "Dogs" and serves to record the points of the game. For this version, points are automatically recorded.
It deals five cards to each player continuously (10 cards total), thiscorresponds to a "hand". When you complete the four hands (40 cards) Count the cards in each player that can increase the score as explained below.
This process is repeated until the score of eitherplayer reaches 40, clearing the remaining cards on the table at the end of the last hand.
When it reaches the player's turn he must select a card to play considering two options:
-(Match). There isa card on the board of equal value to the card to play. In this case you get up the two cards on the table.
-(addition). There are two cards whose sum equals the card to play. In this case lettersstand the three letters involved in the operation.
-(Sequence). They must also stand up letters containing immediate value than the last card face up on a ladder and while it is not broken. The ladderis (A, 2,3,4,5,6,7, J, Q, K).
In the event that the card to play does not correspond to a sum or coincidence, the player must throw a card-table leaving.
In forty we play with points now I will tellyou how you can win points.
-Fall (2 points): when the letter is given to play is a coincidence of a letter lying on the previous play of the same hand.
-Clean (2 points): When the player raisesall the cards on the table in a play. Do not apply the points of the "Clean" if the play in turn was a "Fall".
-Round (2 points): When the player has three cards of equal value in your current hand.There are no points of the "Round" if the player's score is equal to or greater than 30.
After the 40-card spread (4 hands) include letters from each player.If the sum of the cards the player reaches...
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