
Páginas: 5 (1040 palabras) Publicado: 19 de marzo de 2013
Coulomb’s Law
1. If two charged particles having charges q1 and q2 are distance r apart, the particles exert forces on each of magnitude….where K is called the electrostatic constant. These forces are an action/reaction pair, equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
2. The forces are directed along the line joining the two particles. The forces are repulsive for two like charges and forattractive for two opposite charges.

We sometimes speak of the “force between charge q1 and charge q2”, but keep in mind that we are really dealing with charged objects that also have a mass. A size and other properties. Charge is not some disembodied entities that exist apart from matter. Coulomb’s law describes the force between charged particles, which are also called point charges. Acharged particle, which is an extension of the particle model we used coulomb’s law and mass and a charged but has no size.
Coulomb’s law looks much like newton’s law of gravity, but there is one important difference: the charge q can be either positive or negative. Consequently, the absolute value signs in equation 26.2 are especially important. The first part of coulomb’s law gives only themagnitude of the force, which is always positive. The direction must be determined from the law, Figure 26.17 shows the forces between different combinations of positive and negative charges.

Units Of Charge

Coulomb had no unit of charge, so he was unable to determinate a value for K, whose numerical value depends on the units of both charge and distance. The SI unit of charge, the coulomb(C), is derived from the SI unit of current, so we’ll have to await the study of current in chapter 31 before giving a precise definition. For now we’ll note that the fundamental unit of charge e has been measured to have the value

This is a very small amount of charge. Stated another way. 1 C is the net charge of roughly 6.25 x 10 ^ 18 protons.

Note: Amount of charge produced byrubbing plastic or glass rods is typically in the range 1 nC (10^-9 C) 100 nC (10^-7 C). this correspond to an excess or deficit of 10^10 to 10^12 electrons.
Once the unit of charge is established, torsion balance experiments such as coulomb’s can be used to measure the electrostatic constant K. In SI units

It is customary to round this to K=9.0 X 10^9 Nm^2/C^2 for all but extremely precisecalculations, and we will do so.
It is customary, we will find that coulomb’s law is not explicitly used in much of the theory of electricity. While it is the basic force law, most of our future discussion and calculations will be of things called fields and potentials. It turns out that we can make many future equations easier to use if we rewrite Coulomb’s law in a somewhat more complicated way.Let’s define a new constant, called the permittivity constant e0 (pronounced “epsilon zero” Or “epsilon naught”). As

En español
Ley de Coulomb
1. Si dos partículas cargadas con cargas q1 y q2 son r distancia entre sí, las partículas ejercen fuerzas sobre cada uno de magnitud.... donde K se denomina constante electrostática. Estas fuerzas son una acción / reacción de par, igual en magnitud yopuesta en dirección.
2. Las fuerzas están dirigidas a lo largo de la línea que une las dos partículas. Las fuerzas son repulsivas para dos cargas iguales y atractivas por dos cargas opuestas.

A veces hablamos de la "fuerza entre cargas q1 y q2 cargo", pero ten en cuenta que en realidad estamos tratando con objetos cargados que también tienen una masa. Un tamaño y otras propiedades. De cargano es que algunas entidades desencarnadas que existen aparte de la materia. La ley de Coulomb describe la fuerza entre partículas cargadas, que también se llaman cargas puntuales. Una partícula cargada, que es una extensión del modelo de partículas que utiliza la ley de Coulomb y masa y cargada pero no tiene un tamaño.
La ley de Coulomb se parece mucho a la ley de Newton de la gravedad, pero hay...
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