
Páginas: 4 (814 palabras) Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2012

Amaxac, Nauatl word what it means Atl water and Maxactli bifurcation. So Amaxac translates as "where the water divides."
Located in central Mexico to 2,300 meters above sealevel, the municipality of Guerrero Amaxac is located in a geographic coordinate axis between 19 degrees 21 minutes north latitude and 98 degrees 10 minutes west longitude. Located in the center of thestate, the municipality of Guerrero Amaxac bordered on the north by the municipalities of Xaltocan Apizaco Yauhquemecan and the south by the municipalities of Apetatitlan of Antonio Carvajal, andContla Totolac John Cuamatzi, down the east boundary with the municipality of Santa Cruz Tlaxcala, also the west borders the municipality of Xaltocan.
Amaxac is made ​​up by plains and plateaus. The mainhighlight specific characteristics of soil are hilly areas, covering approximately 60.0 percent in the northern municipality.

The first remains were discovered by archaeologists andthese date back to 1800 BC. The first settlers were farmers and gatherers.
In this period some wild plants such as beans, corn, pumpkin, avocado, amaranth and chili was cultivated by the ancestors ofAmaxac of Guerrero, as well as other groups in what is now the territory of Tlaxcala. It was a historic moment, during which 10 percent of the power of human groups dependent on agricultural crops,while the other 90 percent remains dependent on the gathering and hunting.
The first villages were set on terraces, leaving room between the intermediate areas of culture, in addition to plant other landnear their settlements. They began to build barns of logs, which were deposited agricultural products to protect them from predators.

The colony. From the documents preserved in the parish ofAmaxac shows that this town was founded on March 8, 1521.
Already in the XVII century Amaxac erected its church dedicated to St. Barnabe . The building has a gabled roof, but its facade and interior...
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