Animal Farm

Páginas: 10 (2353 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2011
Tom Walker

Narrator: A few miles from Boston, in Massachusetts, there is a deep inlet winding several miles into the interior of the country from Charles Bay, and terminating in a thickly wooded swamp, or morass. On one side of this inlet is a beautiful dark grove; on the opposite side the land rises abruptly from the water's edge, into a high ridge on which grow a few scattered oaks of greatage and immense size. Under one of these gigantic trees, according to old stories, there was a great amount of treasure buried by Kidd the pirate. The inlet allowed a facility to bring the money in a boat secretly and at night to the very foot of the hill. The elevation of the place permitted a good look out to be kept that no one was at hand, while the remarkable trees formed good landmarks bywhich the place might easily be found again. The old stories add, moreover, that the devil presided at the hiding of the money, and took it under his guardianship; but this, it is well known, he always does with buried treasure, particularly when it has been ill gotten. Be that as it may, Kidd never returned to recover his wealth; being shortly after seized at Boston, sent out to England, and therehanged for a pirate.

* Scene I
(In letters there appear the year 1727, and also the place, New England)
(Tom Walker appears, he enters to a house)
-Tom: Hi, I am here (con desgano)
-Wife: Oh! It’s you… (sigue trabajando y a la vez mira hacia otro lado, no a la cara de Tom) Eeem did you bring the bread?
-Tom: Eeeem, NO, I don´t think so, that is woman ´s chores, you go and buy it, causeI am not going anywhere now. Don´t you realize I am a man, and so I don´t do such things…
-Wife: (deja de trabajar, se da vuelta y camina hacia él rápidamente) (Lo dice de manera media lenta) What do you think you are?! piece of crub! (ahora ya gritando) Now we will see if you are a man, you stupid idiot…
(Se pelean los dos, Tom termina perdiendo) (Mostramos la sombra o la cámara en primerapersona)

Scene II
( Sale Tom moretoneado y con parches cojeando, de la casa) (Está enojado)
-Tom: (dirigiéndose a la esposa dentro de la casa) Bye I will never get back you ugly woman.
-Wife: (desde adentro) Great, so finally I will be happy for one time (gritándole).
(va pasando una persona normal)
-Person: (un poco alegre) Hi sir, please could you do me a favor? Look I am in a bit hurryright now, so it would be great if you could take care of these dog for me for an hour, because I have a meeting in… (para y mira a Tom, este lo mira con odio)
-Tom: (enojado) Get out of here you stupid thief, and don´t touch my grass you dirty animal…you both get out of my sight before my stupid wife gets the gun and shot you..
(la persona sale corriendo, Tom los auyenta y les grita)

Scene III(Va y se dirige a un bosque)
(grabamos como camina por distintas partes del bosque hasta que llega a un lugar y se detiene) (Es una zona pantanosa)(Llegan al fuerte, o lugar antiguo)
-Tom: Humph, what is this? (va y empieza a analizar el lugar con mucho detalle, tocando todas las cosas antiguas) Oh my god (se da cuenta de lo que es), these are the rests of an ancient fort from the times of theindian wars.
(Se escucha un ruido de crujido)
-Tom: (asustado) What ´s that? Who is out there?¡ (gritando) Are you an evil spirit? (realmente asustado ahora)
(Tom ignora el ruido y se empieza a ir cuando encuentra un hueso tirado)(lo recoge y lo ve)
(se escucha una voz a lo lejos)
-Devil: Hey leave that bone alone… (Tom se asusta y salta sorprendido)

Scene IV
(Aparece el devil justodelante de Tom, este con cara de sobresaltado)
-Devil: Yes, you heard me, leave that bone alone.
(Tom le hace caso, deja el hueso)
-Tom: Who are you? How did you appear in front of me? (ahora un poco molesto) You damned sir, don´t you realize that you scared me.
-Devil: (no se interesa en responderle) what are you doing on my grounds?
-Tom: Your grounds? Haha no more your grounds than mine;...
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