
Páginas: 2 (293 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2012
Anorexia is one of the most common eating disorders on teenagers. Sometimes wishing to have a perfect body can be dangerous. This is a serious disorder for more commonteenager’s girl between twelve through twenty two. It is hard to stop this dangerous and damaging. It is known that there are psychological, physical, academic andsocial they can bring down the self-esteem and produce a loss of control in the affected person. From all these factors, a diet of entirely excessive may trigger theproblem.
There are a number of factors, including cultural and family pressures; this can cause an emotional change and disorders in the personality of the person thesefactors contribute to the development of anorexia. For example, the clothing is designed primarily for thin bodies although not all women can wear these clothes, causingdissatisfaction with your body and push themselves to change forever. Through all of this may fall into deep depressions which costs a lot to achieve a successful exitand this depression is closely related to food consumption much lower than what should be eaten.
In conclusion, living in a world where only thin people, who live on adiet, that in his life his only motivation is to stay slim for what society may say, does not allow us to choose us teenagers who are the more we face these continuousattack on our personality, but all we have to understand is that no matter how we see it as we are. And also should know that for the recovery of people who alreadyhave this problem is very important to support the family, for them to feel motivated to continue treatment to recover from this disease and to not fall back into it.
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