Apuntes De Ingles

Páginas: 6 (1327 palabras) Publicado: 8 de septiembre de 2011
 Habits and routines Frequency expressions: every day, every week
Frequency adverbs: one a day, twice a week, three times a month.
 Facts.
Ex: I play - I don’t play - Do I play?
Ex: He /She/ It plays - He doesn’t play- Does he play?

 Actions happenings now  now, at the moment, today
 Temporary situations  until, during, while Future plans and intention  tomorrow, next, tonight.
Ex: I am playing - I am not playing - Am I playing?

PRESENT PERFECT (-ed/3ªcolumna)
For, since, how long...? , already, yet, just, ever, lately, sofar, still, before.
 Already: sempre va en afirmatiu, Ex: have already... significa YA
 Yet: Va en negatiu e interrogatiu. Significa YA
 Still: va en negatiu significa ENCARA(l’afirnatiu no va en pr.perf)
 Just: acabar de fer una cosa, Ex: I have just…
 Lately: Ultimament. Pot anar a principi de frase.
 Sofar: Fins al moment. Pot anar a principi de frase
 For: mesurar el tiempo, hora, minutes, segundos..
 Since: desde per a mesos, anys, segles.. no mesura el temps.
Ex: I have bought a new mobile phone.

 For, howlong, since… (durada de temps)
Ex: I have been playing football
Ex: Have I been playing…?
Ex: I haven’t been playing…

PAST SIMPLE (vaig fer)
Aff: verb acabat en –ed o 2na columna.
Negatiu: Didn’t (en infinitiu)
Interrogative: Did I… (infinitiu)
 Finished actions in the past.
Yesterday, last, in the past, in 1990, ago, when…? , at the age of…

Verb to be (past) +gerund (-ing)
Ex: I was doing my homework
Ex: I wasn’t doing my homework
Ex: Was I doing my homework?
 Interrupted actions in the past.
 Actions happening in a concrete moment of the past.
1.-While (acció que s’está produint) (present.continous – llarga)
When (interrumpeix l’acció) (past.simple – curta)
Ex: While I was doing homework, there phone rang
Ex: I was doing homework when thephone rang.
Yesterday at 9 o’clock, this time, last year, morning, afternoon.
 Els state verbs no es posen en past continuous!
Know, understand, remember, forget, think, prefer, hate, like, love, be, have, own

PAST PERFECT (-ed/3ªcolumna)
Had + past participle  més que acabat. (plusquamperfet)
Ex: I had played
Ex: I hadn’t played
Ex: Had you played?

 A past action before anotherpast action
1 sentence:
 Before, by  2005
 Last week
 Yesterday
Ex: By the end of 1945 the 2nd world war had finished.
2 sentences:
 La que porta AFTER en past perfect i l’altre en past simple.
Ex: After he had brushed his teeth, he won to bed.
 La que porta BEFORE en past simple I l’altre en pas perfect
Ex: Before he went to bed, he had brushed histeeth
 La frase que porta ALREADY va en past perfect I l’altre en past simple
Ex: When i got home my sister had already arrive
 BECAUSE introdueix causa i va en past perfect, l’altre en past simple.
Ex: I passed my exam because i had studied a lot.
 La que porta BY THE TIME va en past simple i l’altre en past perfect.
Ex: By the time he retired hehad worked 3rs years.
 UNTIL va en past simple i l’altre en past perfect.

USED TO / WOULD (solia)
Aff: I used to/would play in the park when i was a child?
Neg: I didn’t use to/wouldn’t play....
Int: Did/would I use to play...?
Utilitzo el past simple en used to
Si ho poso en present poso (usually) sense used to.
Would és un sinónim de USED TO ho puc posar sempre excepte amb statesverbs (usually, never....)

BE USED TO (estar acostumat a...)
- No va seguit d’infinitiu sinó –ing
Ex: I am used to getting up early (present)
Ex: I will never be used to getting up early (future)

GET USED TO (acostumar-se a…)
- Es pot conjugar amb tots els temps verbals (+ING)
Ex: I am getting used to getting up early
Ex: I got used to getting up early at school
Ex: Did I get...
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