
Páginas: 2 (309 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2011
Mode adverbs are used every time we need to express the way an action is made. Generally by adding “ly” at the end of the adjective
If there is no complement in the sentence Theadverb may be used past the verb. She eats quickly, she lives well, he ran fast, I sleep well.. etc,
If the sentence uses a complement, then the adverb is used past the complement. She eatsthe apple quickly, he walked a mile patiently, they lived in a house together, etc.
The adverb must never be used between the verb and the complement.
She eats quickly the apple, he walkedpatiently a mile, they lived together in a house, etc.
This rule may vary if there is a preposition before the complement, in this case the adverb may be used before o after the complement:He looks for his keys desperately
He looks desperately for his keys

If the object is a sentence, then the adverb is used before the verb:
He carefully looks after all the childrenthat live with him

If you have troubles identifying the adverb(s) in a sentence, an easy way to find it may be asking HOW the ACTION (verb) is made. (:

For example:
Adjetive | Adverb|
slow  | slowly  |
easy  | easily  |
careful  | carefully  |
Simple | simply  |
Happy | happily |
natural  | naturally  |

Some Exceptions to this rule are:
Adjetive |Adverb |
good  | well  |
fast  | fast |
hard  | hard  |

Some examples with adverbs and antonyms
Adverbio | Adverbio Opuesto |
well  | badly  |
better  | worse  |
together  |separately |
carefully  | carelessly  |
right  | wrong  |

Examples in a sentence:
The old man walked slowly
She moved slowly and spoke quietly. 
It rained continually for five daysThey work very hard to save money
She knows me well.
They drive fast when they go in that car
The teacher looked angrily at the students.
John and Susan decided to live together.
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