
Páginas: 3 (598 palabras) Publicado: 18 de septiembre de 2012
Leandro Rosado
“3 Period”
The High Noon
1- The Cold War was a political tension and military rivalry between two nations that stops short of full-scale war, it was foughtbetween the United States and Soviet Union following World War II.
Red Scare a period of general fear of communists, some of the staff and actors of the movie were accused for being communists.
HouseUnamerican Activities Committee is a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, created to investigate disloyalty and subversive organizations.

2- By 1952, film has everyone from CatholicBishops, to anti-communists trying to control it. In the midst of a changing American at the end of the Second World War, a controversial movie slipped through the growing cracks. In 1952 there wereseveral other battles being fought, as well as a string of anti-communist films being released. At the end of the year many the careers of many Hollywood players were over, while others were justbeginning. 1952 and its surrounding years changed the American film industry and its censorship forever.

3- In the movie the women had more participation. They had women´s rights, like voting, etc.In the women’s you can see that women’s are treated with more respect as equal as men.

4- Will Kane is a sheriff that has lived in a small town called Hadleyville for a very long time.
Hejust married Amy. He just quit his sheriff position and he is planning to open a new business, but a notice spread throughout the whole town that Frank Miller, a criminal that Kane had captured andpresented in court, he will arrive the town by train at noon. Miller was sentenced to prison, but he was apologized for certain reasons. In the court of justice, Miller swear take vengeance over Kane andeveryone that tried him to stop. His band of gunners was composed of three people that waited for him in the station. The people of the town were worried for Kane and the tried to convince him to...
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